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戴爾崔狄西 保羅瑞維爾的騎行 希奧法尼狄斯 這裡與現在 伯恩斯坦 Del Tredici 80638 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

戴爾崔狄西 保羅瑞維爾的騎行 希奧法尼狄斯 這裡與現在 伯恩斯坦 Del Tredici 80638 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2006 國際條碼: 0089408063824 音樂廠牌: Telarc 本輯主要收錄2005年五月首演的兩個大型合唱新作。大衛.戴爾.崔狄西(1937年生)是紐約市立學院傑出音樂教授,普利茲獎得主。(保羅.瑞維爾的騎行》取材朗費羅詩篇,描述-位美國革命關鍵時期的英雄人物。作曲家還表示,此曲也是他個人對9/11悲劇事件的反映。克里斯多福.希奧法尼狄斯(1967年生)乃羅馬大獎得主,現任教朱莉亞音樂院和琵巴底音樂院。(這裡與現在》取材中東詩人魯米(Rumi)的詩篇,內容聚焦愛情和精神成長,曲中氣氛包括狂喜,勸勉,愛情,神祕智慧,熱心與歡笑,相當多樣化。本片另外選錄伯恩斯坦(第-號交響曲(耶利米)》裡的(哀歌》樂章當做補白。曲子裡由次女高音獨唱聖經先知耶利米對廢墟,陷落城市的哀嘆。司帕諾先前專輯屢次贏得葛萊美獎,這次的9/11紀念盤,搭配頂級發燒錄音,可謂已將激勵,感動人心的力量發揮到極致! 1. Theofanidis: The Here and Now: I. Inside this new love, die - 2. Theofanidis: The Here and Now: II. Is the one I love everywhere? 2:18 3. Theofanidis: The Here and Now: III. The sound of the resurrection 2:56 4. Theofanidis: The Here and Now: IV. All day and night, music 4:24 5. Theofanidis: The Here and Now: V. Narrative I: The value of our souls 6. Theofanidis: The Here and Now: VI. Hear blessings dropping their blossoms around you 4:05 7. Theofanidis: The Here and Now: VII. The one who pours is wilder than we 3:11 8. Theofanidis: The Here and Now: VIII. Narrative II: Three kinds of women 9. Theofanidis: The Here and Now: IX. Drumsound rises - 3:20 10. Theofanidis: The Here and Now: X. Spreading radiance 2:10 11. Theofanidis: The Here and Now: XI. Narrative III: Insomnia 12. Theofanidis: The Here and Now: XII. The urgency of love 3:40 13. Theofanidis: The Here and Now: XIII. The music of our final meeting 3:26 14. Bernstein: Lamentation from "Jeremiah" (Symphony No. 1) 10:08 15. Del Tredici: Paul Revere's Ride: Part I: The Call - 3:28 16. Del Tredici: Paul Revere's Ride: Part II: The Wait - 7:18 17. Del Tredici: Paul Revere's Ride: Part III. The Ride - 6:22 18. Del Tredici: Paul Revere's Ride: Finale: Fugue - 6:20 19. Del Tredici: Paul Revere's Ride: Finale: Chorale - 3:26 20. Del Tredici: Paul Revere's Ride: Finale: Epilogue 3:01





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