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來吧 溫柔的夜 Come Gentle Night Ensemble Galilei 80556 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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來吧 溫柔的夜 Come Gentle Night Ensemble Galilei 80556 描述

專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2006 國際條碼: 0089408055621 音樂廠牌: Telarc 邀您進入莎士比亞的浪漫世界,這裡有大文豪的無邊詩意,有中世紀的永恆熱情,要讓您沈醉在詩樂的璀璨花園,享受呢喃的甜蜜呼喚。這是由六位天才音樂家所組成的嘉里耶里合奏團,首次為Telarc錄製的嶄新專輯,他們從莎士比亞的鉅作裡尋求靈感,在塵封已久的樂譜中探索精髓,那些流傳在十六,七世紀的英國牧歌,吉格舞曲,鄉間舞曲,還蘊含著居爾特精神的音樂都悠然呈現。透過提琴,蘇格蘭短笛,鳴笛,居爾特豎琴,古大提琴與打擊樂器的交織下,讓人恍若隔世,只要聆聽這張專輯,您就會在嘉里耶里合奏團的演奏下,聽到茱麗葉那醉人的呼喚:(來吧,溫柔的夜!來吧,可愛的夜!把我的羅密歐賜給我…) 1. Mister Issac's Maggot / Chestnut (Dove's Vagary) 2:23 2. Woodycock 4:39 3. Death's Second Self 3:05 4. Jack's Health (trad. English) / Vale of Years / Jack's Health Reel 3:48 5. Come, Gentle Night 3:36 6. Departe, Departe / The Cobbler's Hornpipe / Third Act Tune 4:01 7. But Let Them Go / Ladies, Sigh No More 2:57 8. In a Garden So Green / Childgrove 6:25 9. Fire, Burn, and Cauldron Bubble 2:01 10. The Asp 1:52 11. Rumble Thy Bellyful 2:05 12. Pastime with Good Company / O Lusty May 2:27 13. Irish Lament 2:27 14. Joy to the Person of My Love 4:36 15. The Winter's Tale Set: Love's Winter Light / Apples in Winter / Drive the Cold Winter Away / Jenny P 5:11 16. Lilli Burlero / Cold and Raw (The Juice of Barley) 3:20 17. The Scottish Play Set: Life is But a Walking Shadow / Mill, Mill O' / Pawky Adam Glen 3:21 18. Heart's Ease / Now that the Spring / Gathering Peascods 3:59 19. No Longer Mourn for Me 2:48

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