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蓋希文 乞丐與蕩婦 選曲 藍色星期一 Gershwin Porgy n Bess 80434 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

蓋希文 乞丐與蕩婦 選曲 藍色星期一 Gershwin Porgy n Bess 80434 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2006 國際條碼: 0089408043420 音樂廠牌: Telarc (乞丐與蕩婦)是蓋希文最傑出的歌劇作品,運用了大量的民歌,靈歌,福音歌以及爵士音樂來構築低下階層的黑人世界,成為本世紀最受歡迎的大師之作。而獨幕(藍色星期-)則是蓋希文早期被遺忘的黑人歌劇,經過康澤爾的研究與錄音後,為紀念作曲家百年誕辰而首次呈現在世人眼前。康澤爾與歌手們將蓋希文音樂中蘊含的奔放熱情毫無保留地迸發出來,包括美國傳奇藝人卡洛維於1993年逝世前-年所灌錄的名曲(It Ain't Necessarily So),以及新生代女高音布列克威兒初試啼聲的(Summertime)亦收錄其中,讓這張錄音成為最具指標意義的優秀名盤,這就是康澤爾要告訴世人(Black is Beatuy)的有力宣言。 1. Gershwin: Porgy and Bess: Introduction 2. Gershwin: Porgy and Bess: Summertime 2:39 3. Gershwin: Porgy and Bess: A Woman Is a Sometime Thing 1:56 4. Gershwin: Porgy and Bess: Gone, Gone, Gone 2:50 5. Gershwin: Porgy and Bess: Overflow 1:31 6. Gershwin: Porgy and Bess: My Man's Gone Now 4:03 7. Gershwin: Porgy and Bess: Leavin' for the Promise Lan' 2:13 8. Gershwin: Porgy and Bess: I Got Plenty O' Nuttin' 2:39 9. Gershwin: Porgy and Bess: Bess, You Is My Woman Now 5:34 10. Gershwin: Porgy and Bess: Oh, I Can't Sit Down 1:41 11. Gershwin: Porgy and Bess: I Ain't Got No Shame 12. Gershwin: Porgy and Bess: It Ain't Necessarily So 3:45 13. Gershwin: Porgy and Bess: I Loves You, Porgy 3:20 14. Gershwin: Porgy and Bess: Opening Scene 7:11 15. Gershwin: Porgy and Bess: Lonely Boy 1:22 16. Gershwin: Porgy and Bess: Oh, Bess, O Where's My Bess 2:39 17. Gershwin: Porgy and Bess: Oh, Lawd, I'm On My Way 1:47 18. Gershwin: Blue Monday (Opera a la Afro-American) 24:20






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