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瑪莉塔與她的心願 Marita And Her Hearts Desire 80460 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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瑪莉塔與她的心願 Marita And Her Hearts Desire 80460 描述

專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2006 國際條碼: 0089408046025 音樂廠牌: Telarc (瑪莉塔與她的心願)是-齣類似(彼得與狼)的音樂童話故事,描述小女孩瑪莉塔向月娘許願之後的奇妙夜晚,由作曲家阿朵爾夫根據吉可夫的故事改寫。這套錄音最特別的是邀請到小提琴泰斗帕爾曼及林昭亮演奏瑪莉塔的音樂部份,並由他的小女兒艾蕾拉擔任口白部份,而著名女星米雪兒.瑪莉亞娜更以她出神入化的聲調來說出這段故事,其他著名的音樂家也共襄盛舉:席弗林的豎笛扮演貓咪,威爾遜的短笛詮釋逗趣的老鼠,莫雷林的低音管擔任狗兒…為孩童用音樂繪出-幅曼妙的童話。此外亦收錄普烈文指揮皇家愛樂管絃樂團演奏布列頓的(青少年管弦樂入門),是歷久彌新的經典錄音。 1. Marita talks to the moon, but the moon does not answer 3:33 2. Marita sets out to find the moon 3. Marita meets a great gray cat 2:21 4. Marita and the cat meet a rat 2:52 5. Marita, the cat, and the rat meet a golden dog 2:08 6. They cross the river to get to Harper's Department Store 1:19 7. They see the moon, sitting on top of Harper's Department Store 8. They try to push the door open and are helped by a mouse 3:02 9. Adventures inside Harper's Department Store at night 5:26 10. Marita asks the moon for her heart's desire, and the moon answers her 4:45 11. Marita goes home 3:59 12. Theme 13. Woodwinds 14. Brass 15. Strings & Harp 16. Percussion 17. Flute & Piccolo 18. Oboe 1:03 19. Clarinet 20. Bassoon 21. Violins 22. Violas 23. Cellos 1:13 24. Doublebasses 1:05 25. Harp 26. Horn 27. Trumpet 28. Trombone & Tuba 1:01 29. Timpani 30. Bass Drum & Cymbals 31. Tambourine & Triangle 32. Snare Drum & Wood Block 33. Xylophone 34. Castanets & Gong 35. Whip 36. Fugue 1:57 37. Theme

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