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純真瑜珈音樂盛典 Acoustic Yoga PUT361 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

純真瑜珈音樂盛典 Acoustic Yoga PUT361 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


專輯類型:1CD 發行年份:2016 國際條碼:0790248036120 音樂廠牌:Putumayo 瑜伽(Yoga)源自於印度,由這個超過五千年古老國度的養身智慧逐漸發展而成,如今全球都有追求養身健康及靈性智慧的愛好者每天醉心於浩瀚無邊的瑜伽世界,鑽研博大精深之奧義。相對於瑜伽,音樂同樣有其重要地位,同樣象徵宇宙天地與人之間的平衡關係,與瑜伽的道理相通,必須要輕柔合緩、讓宇宙天地,靈性空間,透過音符來使身心靈合而為一,因此上乘的瑜伽修習者也開始藉由音樂的能量來增強效果,這些來自世界各地的音樂要純淨自然,又要幫助安定心靈,經過時間演化逐漸成為一種音樂系統。 世界音樂大廠Putumayo多年前就率到世界各地發掘出這些音樂,陸續推出了「Yoga」、「World Yoga」、「Yoga Lounge」這些暢銷主題選輯,這裡面許多都是藉助電子合成樂器來營造出一個廣大的虛擬空間效果,來幫助冥想。本輯「Acoustic Yoga」從名稱上就很清楚,收錄的全都鎖定在以真實樂器演奏以真實人聲來演唱的音樂,完全有機,無任何電子合成添加。參與的藝人團體包括了美國的知名心靈音樂女歌手Tina Malia;加拿大女歌手Brenda McMorrow;由多國吟唱好手組成的Baird Hersey & PRANA則以樊語吟唱的方式來幫助全球瑜珈者冥想靜坐;來自非洲蒲隆地的團體Mighty Popo以簡單吉他手鼓及優美人聲和音唱出了美妙世界。 The natural resonance, intimacy, warmth and expressive power of acoustic instruments and heartfelt singing can create a beautiful soundtrack for yoga practice, meditation, massage and all-around relaxation. This compilation of serene, mostly acoustic songs and instrumentals is a tapestry of organic tunes from around the world that invites listeners into a relaxed, spacious state of being. Meditative mantras, earthy acoustic guitar, uplifting rhythms, harmonic singing and soothing wind instruments calm the mind and open the heart to a feeling of deep peace and ease. An antidote to stressful, fast-paced life, this melodious collection of songs has been hand-picked and sequenced to accompany yoga practice and be a soundtrack for anyone who longs to unwind, relax and center themselves through the restorative medium of music. We also hope you enjoy our other compilations designed for yoga practice: Yoga, World Yoga and Yoga Lounge. 1.Tina Malia - "In Sunlight" 00:59 2.Brenda McMorrow - "Anandamayi" 00:59 3.Todd Boston - "Twilight" 00:59 4.Baird Hersey & PRANA with Krishna Das - "Devi Puja" 00:59 5.Mighty Popo - "Urugendo" 00:59 6.Tina Malia - "Kol Galgal" 00:59 7.Saggio - "Journey Within" 00:59 8.Ablaye Cissoko & Volker Goetze - "Amanke Dionti" 00:59 9.The Hanumen - "Invocation (Chaitanya Mantra)" 00:59 10.Lotus - "Colorado" 00:59 11.Acoustic Mandala Project - "Cymbolic" 00:59






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