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非洲兒童歡樂派對 Kids African Party PUT370 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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非洲兒童歡樂派對 Kids African Party PUT370 最新價格

非洲兒童歡樂派對 Kids African Party PUT370 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

非洲兒童歡樂派對 Kids African Party PUT370 描述

專輯類型:1CD 發行年份:2018 國際條碼:0790248037028 音樂廠牌:Putumayo 非洲堪稱是世界音樂種類最多、人民最喜歡熱鬧,最喜歡瘋轟趴的地區了,非洲有超過十億人口,有1500種語言,眾多的民族文化風格、美食、建築、多樣的地形地貌,擁有世界上最多的動物,這片大地孕育出最奔放最快樂的人民,所以只要一有空大夥就會聚在一起開轟趴,當然,轟趴用的音樂就非常重要,音樂對於非洲人民來說早就是生活的一部分。世界音樂名廠Putumayo繼暢銷全球的Groove舞動系列後,繼續推出不同主題的Party轟趴系列,這系列中又再分出了Kid's的瘋轟趴系列,從名稱可以知道,此系列特別強調適合全家在在辦轟趴時使用。 繼之前的Kid's World Party之後,好評再接再厲推出了這張以非洲為主的選輯。收錄了多種重要的非洲歡樂節拍風格音樂,包括非洲雷鬼代表人物Sam Mukoro以及肯亞的三人組合Jabali Afrika以輕鬆搖擺的雷鬼樂唱出居家的歡樂;來自塞內加爾的五人組新生代團體Takeifa,以及來自法國的Aldebert ft. Matar Sall & Joyce Tape都不約而同的唱出源自中非的快樂跳舞曲Soukous;來自南非的姆指琴大師Chris Berry、奈及利亞團體Babá Ken Okulolo及尚比亞男歌手Larry Maluma & Kalimba以多彩鮮活的節奏活躍了身體每個細胞;另外還意外收錄了來自美國奧蘭多的知名團體Pink Martini重新翻唱了南非國寶女藝人Miriam Makeba於1967年暢銷全球的非洲名曲Pata Pata,整張專輯就是要快樂唱跳一整天。 Africa is a very big and diverse continent. More than one billion people live there and over 1500 languages are spoken. Music is a big part of everyday life and varies from region to region. The food also has its own special flavors in different countries. Even the plants, animals and landscapes change depending on the area. There are so many fascinating animals, people and places to learn about and there is always something new to discover. Despite all the differences, there is at least one thing people all across Africa have in common: they know how to throw a good party! No matter where you go, people love to come together and dance. And, of course, in order to do that, they need enjoyable music that gets their bodies moving. Everywhere in Africa, there's lots of upbeat music that's really fun to dance to. When you're feeling sad, music can help you feel better and one of the best ways to forget your troubles is to get up and dance! Thanks for joining us in celebrating Africa and the great music it has given the world! 1. Sam Mukoro - Come and Dance 2. Pink Martini - Pata Pata 3. Takeifa - Penthiou 4. Aldebert ft. Matar Sall & Joyce Tape - L'homme Songe 5. Jabali Afrika - Nakumbuka 6. Babá Ken Okulolo - Mafe 7. Larry Maluma & Kalimba - Kalindawalo 8. Majid Soula - Anda 9. Chris Berry & Panjea - Home 10. Sharon Katz & The Peace Train - Meadowlands

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