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古巴遊樂場 Cuban Playground PUT367 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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古巴遊樂場 Cuban Playground PUT367 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

古巴遊樂場 Cuban Playground PUT367 描述

專輯類型:1CD 發行年份:2017 國際條碼:0790248036724 音樂廠牌:Putumayo 什麼音樂最受小朋友或是家庭派對歡迎? 有機構研究顯示, 節奏強烈有跳躍感的、大量使用打擊樂器的曲調活潑悅耳的、演唱方式有趣的音樂最受這個族群歡迎, 能夠很快速的吸引他們的注意, 也可以很快的製造整個空間的歡樂氣氛, 無疑的在眾多世界音樂當中拉丁音樂的渲染力是最強大的, 但如果要再細分的話在眾多拉丁音樂當中, 古巴音樂可以說是拉丁音樂的核心, 目前活躍在檯面上的各種拉丁音樂都與古巴音樂脫不了關係, 像是Salsa音樂的前身音樂古巴Son樂、ChaChaCha、Rumba、Timba、Reggae等等, 不論大人小孩, 一聽就會感染上濃濃的歡樂氣氛。 世界音樂大廠Putumayo發行過許多叫好叫座的系列, 其中Playground系列有系統的以世界上不同國家或區域的音樂為主題, 搜集當地最歡樂最快樂最適合大人小孩與家庭派對的音樂, 每一張都是經典, 這回首次以古巴為主題推出的「CubanPlayground」齊集74組當今最具代表性的藝人團體作品, 尤其將重點放在具有悅耳旋律與快樂氣氛方向, 這正是古巴音樂的強項, 陣容非常堅強, 打頭陣的就是Cha Cha Cha的經典作"El Bodeguero"; 歷史悠久的七人組團體La Familia Valera Miranda、老將Ignacio Carrillo "Mazacote"及Pedro Luis Ferrer,都不約而同的以傳統又帶點現代的古巴正宗Son樂唱出了簡單又單純的快樂; 出生在哈瓦那的新生代女星Laritza Bacallao則以雷鬼樂泡製了派對歡樂氣氛; 當然還有Ska Cuban。這個團體, 從團名就能清楚知道是由古巴人組成的一支專門演奏SKA這種音樂的團體,另外還有當今古巴之光代表人物Jose Conde帶點現代時尚唱腔的作品, 快樂就是這麼簡單。 Cuba is an island country in the Caribbean Sea located about 90 miles from Florida. Cuba is known for many things, including its historical buildings, antique cars and most of all, its music! There are many different types of music and musical instruments in Cuba. Music is part of the people's daily lives – you can hear it playing from radios as you walk down the street and live music is everywhere. Across the country, everyone from five to ninety-five sings and dances together because music brings so much joy to their lives. Until 1898, the European country, Spain, ruled Cuba. During the 16th-19th centuries, Spaniards brought many Africans to work as slaves on the sugar and tobacco plantations. Because of this, Cuban music today is a blend of African and European music. Drumming and rhythm is very important in Cuban music. Call and response is another African musical feature that can be heard in Cuban music – that's when a lead singer sings a line and other singers respond with a different musical phrase. Cuban music has become very popular around the world. We hope this collection helps you learn about and enjoy this culturally rich country. 1.Cubanisimo - El Bodeguero 2.Adonis Puentes - Tumbando Mangos 3.La Familia Valera Miranda - El Empanadillero 4.Ignacio Carrillo "Mazacote" - Pico y Pala 5.Laritza Bacallao - El Buey Cansao 6.Las Ondas Marteles - Rima Caribena 7.Jose Conde - Elefante en Hotel 8.Pedro Luis Ferrer - Cachimbiao Caramelo 9.Havana Mambo - La Mecaniquita 10.Ska Cubano - Loca Rumba

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