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荷姆欣 譚盾 (火祭)小提琴協奏曲 Hemsing Tan Dun Fire Ritual SACD2406 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

荷姆欣 譚盾 (火祭)小提琴協奏曲 Hemsing Tan Dun Fire Ritual SACD2406 規格

荷姆欣 譚盾 (火祭)小提琴協奏曲 Hemsing Tan Dun Fire Ritual SACD2406 最新價格

荷姆欣 譚盾 (火祭)小提琴協奏曲 Hemsing Tan Dun Fire Ritual SACD2406 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

荷姆欣 譚盾 (火祭)小提琴協奏曲 Hemsing Tan Dun Fire Ritual SACD2406 描述

**庫存少量,可能缺貨。敬請聊聊詢問** 專輯類型: 1SACD 發行年份: 2019 國際條碼: 7318599924069 音樂廠牌: BIS 中國作曲家譚盾與挪威小提琴家恩碧歐.荷姆欣(Eldbjorg Hemsing)第一次相遇是在2010年在上海舉行的世界博覽會中由荷姆欣首度演出譚盾的小提前協奏曲(愛). 兩人都有源自於祖國的豐富音樂傳統, 也由於這次相遇發展出包含本專輯的豐富合作成果. 用荷姆欣自己的話來說:”那次的相遇打開我的音樂視界(musical horizon)”, 從此兩人在國際多次首演譚盾的作品. (火祭)是譚盾為荷姆欣而寫的小提琴協奏曲. 他創造出一首獻給戰爭受害者的音樂儀式, 內容建立在四個主題旋律上: 殘酷的戰爭, 無辜的人民, 天堂鳥的咒語和永恆. 此曲在2018年9月由荷姆欣與奧斯陸愛樂樂團首演, 譚盾親自指揮. 譚盾還為荷姆欣譜寫這張專輯第一首建立在早期作品之上的(狂想曲和幻想曲). 這兩件作品反映出他打赤腳在鄉下長大的記憶, 和他後來將小時薩滿教的精神世界與北京京劇的紀律與哲學匯集在一起的經驗. 用作曲家本人的話來描述: “反映了我年輕時期的記憶, 但是經過現在我的音樂音景(soundscape)透鏡來看.” The first encounter between Chinese composer Tan Dunand Norwegian violinist EldbjorgHemsingtook place in 2010 during the Shanghai World Expo, when Hemsingpremièred Tan's Love Concerto. Both have strong roots in the rich musical traditions of their native countries, and out of this meeting a fruitful collaboration has developed which also involves an investigation of the music that happens here and now. In Hemsing'swords, the encounter 'opened up my musical horizons' and she has since premièred and performed a number of the composer's works internationally. Fire Ritual, the concerto that lends its name to the present disc, was composed with Hemsingin mind. With it Tan Dun has created a musical ceremony for the victims of war, building on four themes: Cruel Wars, Innocent People, Mantras of the Heavenly Birds and Eternity. The concerto was premièred in September 2018 by Hemsingand the Oslo Philharmonic, conducted by the composer. For EldbjorgHemsing, Tan Dun has also created the concerto that opens the disc, Rhapsody and Fantasia, based on earlier works. Both works reflect the composer's memories of growing up barefoot in the countryside, and his later experiences of bringing together the shamanistic and spiritual world of his childhood with the discipline and philosophy of Peking Opera. Or in the composers own words: 'a reflection of those early memories of my youth, but through the lens of my current musical soundscape'. Tan Dun (b. 1957) Violin Concerto 'Rhapsody and Fantasia '32'50 1–3 ) I. Rock the Violin in Rhapsody 12'28 4–6 ) II. A Dream Out of Peking Opera 20'14 7–11 ) Violin Concerto 'Fire Ritual '29'00 TT: 62'37

荷姆欣 譚盾 (火祭)小提琴協奏曲 Hemsing Tan Dun Fire Ritual SACD2406 商品選項

荷姆欣 譚盾 (火祭)小提琴協奏曲 Hemsing Tan Dun Fire Ritual SACD2406 屬性

歐洲 & 美國
CD, DVD & 藍光光碟類型

荷姆欣 譚盾 (火祭)小提琴協奏曲 Hemsing Tan Dun Fire Ritual SACD2406 用戶評測


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