專輯類型:1CD 發行年份:2017 國際條碼:0790248036823 音樂廠牌:Putumayo 世界音樂名廠Putumayo的系列中, 除了Lounge小酒館系列、Playground遊樂場系列之外, 就屬Groove舞動系列最受全球樂迷歡迎了。Hip.Hop(嘻哈)、Techno(科技)、Electronica(電音)、R&B(節奏藍調)、House(浩室)、Funk(放克)等這些時尚前衛舞曲節拍, 隨著英美主流拜曲攻陷全球後逐漸與各地區民族特有的節奏與音樂結合, 再加入以當地語言演唱及傳統樂器演奏編曲後, 創造了不同地域風味的Groove, 在全球夜店及Lounge Bar掀起一股酷酷的Groove狂潮, 2017年底又推出這張以印度為主題的作品「IndiaGroove」。印度音樂可以說是西方世界了解東方世界音樂的縮影, 尤其是西塔琴大師Ravi Shankar把印度古典樂帶入西方後, 再加上近幾年寶萊塢Bollywood電影在全球大行其道, 印度音樂更讓世人著迷。本輯收錄的藝人團體可都是這幾年人氣與知名度兼具的一時之選, 作品不但具備時尚感, 還保有印度特色樂器與旋律。包括寶來塢音樂王牌製作人Kailash Kher帶這他的專屬樂團Kailasa以印度融合雷鬼的"Turiya Tunya", 讓世人為之驚艷; 來自倫敦印度的移民後裔天才製作人Niraj Chag找來了女星Japjt Kaur貢獻了兩首珍貴代表作可以說是東西方音樂的完美融合; 還有演而優則歌的帥氣男星Ayushmann Khurrana; 德國西塔琴大師Prem Joshua自組印度樂團Chintan一首雷鬼印度融合樂風"Tumhaari Maya",讓他們成為都會酷派代表; 另外還有由日本、中國、東南亞等地音樂家在義大利組的印度融合團體Black Bombay, 共同打造一個新時代的時尚新印度。 The world has been fascinated with Indian music ever since Ravi Shankar played his sitar for a blissed-out flower power crowd at the seminal Monterey Pop Festival in 1967. While that event introduced many in the West to the beauty and complex riches of Indian classical music, the popular music of the subcontinent had long been familiar to viewers of Bollywood films. Bollywood, the nickname for Mumbai (formerly Bombay), is the capital of India’s film industry. It’s also become the default term to describe the country’s film industry as a whole. In fact, India actually has many film hubs producing hundreds of movies each year, almost all of which are musicals. Songs from those films regularly rise to the top of the pop charts. These days, the sounds of India are instantly recognizable and increasingly influential. Instruments like the sitar and Bollywood song samples have appeared in everything from Shania Twain country albums to Jay-Z hip hop hits. Though not a Bollywood film, Slumdog Millionaire had a Bollywood-influenced soundtrack that became a worldwide phenomenon. On this collection, we explore the panorama of contemporary Indian music featuring Indian pop and film stars, second generation South Asians living in London and Montreal, European and Caribbean fusionists and yoga instructor/musicians from California. We hope you enjoy this spicy musical masala. 1.Kailash Kher & Kailasa - Turiya Turiya 2.Ayushmann Khurrana - Pani Da Rang (Male) 3.Prem Joshua & Chintan - Tumhaari Maya 4.Mungal Patasar & Pantar - Anjali 5.Niraj Chag ft. Japjit Kaur - Baavaria (Remix) 6.Prem Joshua & Chintan - Ya Devi Sarva 7.The Bilz - Balle Balle 8.MC Yogi - Be the Change (Bollywood Dub Omstrumental) 9.Niraj Chag ft. Japjit Kaur - Rang Diya 10.Black Bombay - Revelation - Dub