伊丹瑞契 我的音樂聖殿 The Idan Raichel Project Within My Walls CMB10 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
專輯類型:1CD 發行年份:2016 國際條碼:0890846001107 音樂廠牌:Cumbancha 來自以色列的知名鍵盤手兼作曲人Idan Raichel,打從2002年便著手的音樂企劃The Idan Raichel Project,不僅將以色列音樂推向國際舞台,在融入現代音樂曲調下,變得更為雅俗共賞。而此張全新創作《Within My Walls》,則是The Idan Raichel Project實行以來的第三張專輯大碟,亦是與老東家Cumbancha的第二次合作。延續著前兩張專輯的音樂理念與精神,Idan Raichel再度藉由音樂上演著愛與和平的烏托邦景致戲碼,同時找來Mayra Andrade、Marta Gomez、Shimon Buskila等客席助陣,打造出音樂地球村的世界流行音樂局面。由哥倫比亞民謠女伶Marta Gomez親自填詞演唱的專輯首曲〈All The Words〉開始,便已進入Idan Raichel特有的夢幻意境中。隨後專輯同名曲〈Within My Walls〉在Idan Raichel自編自導自演的演繹下,情感收放自若,味道十足。然而全輯十三首歌曲,透過Idan Raichel過人的編曲包裝,如同十三個精彩的短篇故事,訴衷著塵世間的情事,首首到位,牽動人心,美麗逼人。 最能形容本專輯的一句話:流行音樂外衣,包裹著以色列音樂色彩,The Idan Raichel Project將以色列現代音樂徹底推向國際主舞台! 1 Todas las Palabras (All the Words) 02:56 by The Idan Raichel Project feat. Marta Gomez 2 Bein Kirot Beiti (Within My Walls) 03:16 by The Idan Raichel Project 3 She'eriot Shel Ha'Chaim (Scraps of Life) 03:05 by The Idan Raichel Project feat. Amir Dadon 4 Mai Nahar (River Waters) 03:07 by The Idan Raichel Project feat. Anat Ben Hamo 5 Chalomot Shel Acherim (Other People's Dreams) 03:39 by The Idan Raichel Project 6 Odjus Fitxadu (With My Eyes Shut) 03:25 by The Idan Raichel Project feat. Mayra Andrade 7 Shev (Stay) 03:50 by The Idan Raichel Project feat. Maya Avraham 8 Rov Ha'Sha'ot (Most of the Hours) 04:01 by The Idan Raichel Project feat. Ilan Damti 9 Min Nhar Li Mshiti (From the Day You Left) 03:48 by The Idan Raichel Project feat. Shimon Buskila 10 Cada Día (Every Day) 02:34 by The Idan Raichel Project feat. Marta Gomez 11 Hakol Over (This Too Shall Pass) 03:47 by The Idan Raichel Project 12 Nin'al Be'Mabato (Locked in His Gaze) 02:54 by The Idan Raichel Project feat. Shai Tsabari 13 Maisha 03:21 by The Idan Raichel Project feat. Somi