專輯類型:1CD 發行年份:2016 國際條碼:0790248036021 音樂廠牌:Putumayo Rhythm & Blues節奏藍調簡稱R&B,最早出現於上個世紀四十年代,至今仍然走在世界流行音樂的前端。,顧名思義,就是把傳統比較隨性的藍調音樂加上了固定節奏而成,不過一個能縱橫半個多世紀而不墜的曲式,還融合了當時相當多元的元素,包括當時還相當摩登的跳舞節奏Boogie Woogie、從爵士樂取材的Swing及Big Band、演唱的方法則來自於教堂裡唱詩班的Gospel(福音)而成,經過時間逐漸演化為今日的面貌。如果從世界音樂的角度來看,R&B的前身是源自美國南方非洲移民的藍調音樂(Blues),這種音樂主要是十七十八世紀來自非洲被殖民奴隸,為了抒發工作及生活上的情緒演化而成的一種悲歌,所以堪稱美國眾多世界音樂裡的一個代表。 世界音樂大廠Putumayo多年前首次推出這張主題選輯後,受到各界一致好評,此次重新發行的更新紀念版,特別保留了重要經典曲目,加入幾首全新曲目而成,每位都是這些在R&B啟蒙與發展階段相當重要的藝人組合,保留的經典曲目包括縱橫五十到七十年代的R&B教母Lavelle White;對英國搖滾樂造成影響的巨擎James Hunter;從紐約電視台出發一舉成名的七人組合Cracked Ice;揚威七十年代靈魂樂時期以"Best Of My Love"成名的重量級三人女子團體The Emotions;來自純正美國南方密西西比河的老將Rockie Charles,新加入的有來自紐奧良的老牌吉他手Snooks Eaglin及Roy C都以復古的七十年代融合靈魂樂的甜甜曲風入選,一趟精彩絕倫的R&B尋根之旅,從此展開。 This musical celebration by legends of the blues will have you boogying up the Mississippi from New Orleans to Chicago. It's ironic that a style of music whose very name is the definition of sorrow and suffering can make you feel so good. The blues was born out of the African-American experience, which has been shaped by a history of oppression, discrimination and poverty. It's no wonder, then, that the blues typically addresses the struggles of daily life, one in which being left by your lover and being broke are familiar themes. The tonal structure, singing style and lyrical content of traditional blues is the quintessential outlet for expressing deep, powerful and ultimately melancholy emotions. 1. Lurrie Bell - "I Feel So Good" 2. Albert King - "Dust My Broom" 3. James Cotton, Junior Wells, Carey Bell and Billy Branch - "Down Home Blues" 4. Johnny "Big Moose" Walker - "Would You, Baby" 5. Magic Sam - "I Have The Same Old Blues" 6. Katie Webster - "Two-Fisted Mama" 7. Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown - "I Got My Mojo" 8. Big Jack Johnson - "I Wanna Know" 9. Albert King - "Albert's Groove #2" 10. Fernest Arceneaux & His Louisiana French Band - "I Don't Want Nobody" 11. Big Walter Horton - "Have A Good Time"