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理查史特勞斯 唐吉軻德 齊瑪曼 奎拉斯 Richard Strauss Don Quixote HMM902370 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

理查史特勞斯 唐吉軻德 齊瑪曼 奎拉斯 Richard Strauss Don Quixote HMM902370 規格

理查史特勞斯 唐吉軻德 齊瑪曼 奎拉斯 Richard Strauss Don Quixote HMM902370 最新價格

理查史特勞斯 唐吉軻德 齊瑪曼 奎拉斯 Richard Strauss Don Quixote HMM902370 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

理查史特勞斯 唐吉軻德 齊瑪曼 奎拉斯 Richard Strauss Don Quixote HMM902370 描述

專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2021 國際條碼: 5400863054922 音樂廠牌: harminia mundi 理查.史特勞斯:唐吉軻德/提爾愉快的惡作劇 塔碧亞.齊瑪曼 中提琴 奎拉斯 大提琴 芳斯瓦-澤維爾.羅斯 指揮 科隆古澤尼希管絃樂團 在奉獻兩張值得紀念的錄音專輯給馬勒的第三號和第五號交響曲之後, 指揮芳斯瓦-澤維爾.羅斯繼續他探索古科隆古澤尼希管絃樂團首演過的重要作品. 這次聚焦的是年輕的理查.史特勞斯最輝煌成就的兩件作品: 提爾愉快的惡作劇(Till Eulenspiegel)和唐吉軻德(Don Quixote). 在後者, 一首交響詩隱藏在一首雙重協奏曲之中, 大提琴家奎拉斯和中提琴家塔碧亞.齊瑪曼形成一個流浪二重奏扮演滿面愁容的騎士和他的護衛桑丘·潘薩(Sancho Panza). After two memorable recordings devoted to Mahler's Third and Fifth symphonies, Francois-Xavier Roth continues his exploration of the major works premiered by the Gurzenich Orchestra. In the spotlight this time are two of the young Richard Strauss's most brilliant achievements: Till Eulenspiegel and Don Quixote. In the latter, a symphonic poem in the guise of a double concerto, Jean-Guihen Queyras and Tabea Zimmermann form a picaresque duo playing the Knight of the Doleful Countenance and his squire Sancho Panza. RICHARD STRAUSS (1864-1949) Don Quixote Op. 35 Phantastische Variationen uber ein Thema ritterlichen Charakters, TrV 184 (1897) Variations fantastiques sur un theme de caractere chevaleresque Fantastic variations on a theme of knightly character 1 | Introduzione. MaBiges ZeitmaB 5'54 Don Quixote loses his sanity after reading novels about knights, and decides to become a knight-errant 2 | Thema. MaBig 2'01 Don Quixote, Knight of the Doleful Countenance. Maggiore Sancho Panza 3 | Variation I. Gemachlich 2'31 The adventure with the windmills 4 | Variation II. Kriegerisch 1'38 The battle with the sheep 5 | Variation III. MaBiges ZeitmaB 7'09 Conversation entre le chevalier et son ecuyer Dialogue between knight and squire 6 | Variation IV. Etwas breiter 1'55 The adventure with the pilgrims 7 | Variation V. Sehr langsam 4'02 The knight's vigil 8 | Variation VI. Schnell 1'07 The meeting with Dulcinea 9 | Variation VII. Ein wenig ruhiger als vorher 1'09 The ride through the air 10 | Variation VIII. Gemachlich 1'48 The voyage in the enchanted boat 11 | Variation IX. Schnell und sturmisch 1'11 The contest with the supposed enchanters 12 | Variation X. Viel breiter 4'28 The duel with the Knight of the White Moon – The defeated Don Quixote's journey home 13 | Finale. Sehr ruhig 5'33 Death of Don Quixote 14 | Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche Op. 28 14'35 Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks (1894-95) 15 | Romanze 9'00 for cello and orchestra, TrV 118 (1883) Jean-Guihen Queyras, cello (1-13, 15) Cello by Gioffredo Cappa, 1696, on loan from Mecenat Musical Societe Generale Tabea Zimmermann, viola (1-13) Viola by Etienne Vatelot, 1980

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歐洲 & 美國
CD, DVD & 藍光光碟類型

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