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德弗札克 大提琴協奏曲 史蒂芬伊瑟利斯 Isserlis Dvorak Cello Concertos CDA67917 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

德弗札克 大提琴協奏曲 史蒂芬伊瑟利斯 Isserlis Dvorak Cello Concertos CDA67917 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2013 國際條碼: 0034571179179 音樂廠牌: hyperion Hyperion2013下半年度的重點專輯之一,廣受世人喜愛的德佛札克大提琴協奏曲加上世界級的大提琴家—同時也是英國的國寶級人物史帝芬.伊瑟利斯,將會引出至為驚人的火花。伊瑟利斯等了四十年才終於盼到機會錄下這首大提琴曲目的巔峰之作,並且由定期合作夥伴丹尼爾.哈丁和馬勒室內管弦樂團聯袂獻藝,這個醞釀多時的想法如今果真成為豐碩甜蜜的果實。伊瑟利斯提到這首協奏曲時這麼說「德佛札克以帶有民歌簡單直接的性質描繪出情感歷程的力量,將史詩和感人至深的自白融為一體,無法抗拒。當然,不只作品本身,伊瑟利斯的演奏同樣結合情感能量和簡潔俐落的特色,這也使得他在詮釋這首樂曲時更顯圓滿。其他收錄曲目除了協奏曲的原始版結尾之外,還有藝術歌曲Lasst mich allein(讓我獨處, Leave Me Alone)改編而成的管弦版,此曲在協奏曲的二三樂章同樣可以聽到類似的段落。另一首較少人知道的A大調大提琴協奏曲是作曲家早期所寫但是從未管弦化。收錄於此的版本(同樣是首次錄音)是德國作曲家根特.拉斐爾(1903-1960)所完成(福特萬格勒與其他指揮皆曾演出他的作品)。伊瑟利斯對此表示「沒錯,和後來的B小調協奏曲比起來或許算不上是傑作,但是同樣的道理,難道因為弟弟是天才就該忽略哥哥嗎?我就喜歡A大調協奏曲的優美旋律,極富新異的靈感、典型的鄉土精神—還有瀰漫全曲的純然愉悅感」 2013年8月19、20日亞洲青年管弦樂團訪台音樂會,伊瑟利斯將於第一天演奏本張新專輯曲目–德佛札克B小調大提琴協奏曲,沒買到票或是不克前往的人,先買一張搶先聽吧!要去的朋友,還是先買一張做功課吧!結論就是:伊瑟利斯的專輯必買! Hyperion is delighted to present the world,s best-loved cello concerto performed by one of the world,s best-loved cellists: national treasure Steven Isserlis. Isserlis has waited 40 years to record this pinnacle of the repertoire, and here with his regular collaborators, the Mahler Chamber Orchestra and Daniel Harding, this long gestation has proved to be overwhelmingly fruitful. Isserlis writes of the concerto that 'the power of its emotional journey, expressed with Dvorak,s characteristically folk-like simplicity and directness, offers an irresistible mix of the epic and the touchingly confessional,. The combination of emotional power and simplicity is also a feature of Isserlis,s playing, and part of what makes him such a consummate performer of this work. This album puts Dvorak,s B minor cello concerto in context, including not only the original ending, but an orchestral version of the song Lasst mich allein which is quoted in the concerto,s second and third movements. Isserlis has also recorded a version of Dvorak,s first cello concerto, a little-known work from the composer,s early period which he never orchestrated. This version (in what is almost definitely its premiere recording) is by German composer Gunter Raphael, whose works were performed by Furtwangler among others, and is extensively rewritten from the composer,s original. To turn to Isserlis,s own words again: 'Of course, it is not a masterpiece on the level of the later B minor concerto; but is it fair to lock up an older child just because their younger sibling is a genius? I love the A major concerto for the beauty of its melodies, for the freshness of its inspiration, for its typically rustic spirit—and for the sense of sheer joy that bubbles through the entire work., 1. I. allegro 2. II. adagio ma non troppo 3. III. allegro moderato 4. Lasst mich allein, op. 82 no. 1 - Mahler Chamber Orchestra 5. Original ending 6. I. andante - allegro non troppo 7. II. andante cantabile 8. III. allegro risoluto






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