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巴哈 B小調彌撒 阿爾坎傑羅合奏團 Arcangelo Bach Mass in B minor CDA68051 2 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

巴哈 B小調彌撒 阿爾坎傑羅合奏團 Arcangelo Bach Mass in B minor CDA68051 2 規格

巴哈 B小調彌撒 阿爾坎傑羅合奏團 Arcangelo Bach Mass in B minor CDA68051 2 最新價格

巴哈 B小調彌撒 阿爾坎傑羅合奏團 Arcangelo Bach Mass in B minor CDA68051 2 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

巴哈 B小調彌撒 阿爾坎傑羅合奏團 Arcangelo Bach Mass in B minor CDA68051 2 描述

專輯類型: 2CD 發行年份: 2014 國際條碼: 0034571280516 音樂廠牌: hyperion (2CD)J.S.巴哈:B小調彌撒,作品BWV232 喬納森.柯恩 指揮 五位獨唱家及阿爾坎傑羅合奏團 Arcangelo and their inspirational director Jonathan Cohen, one of the brightest stars in the Early Music galaxy, present Bach's great masterpiece in a glorious new recording made following a thrilling performance at the Tetbury festival. Arcangelo are still a relatively new ensemble, but have already won one Gramophone Award and been nominated for another. The members of the choir and orchestra are performers of dazzling technical ability with a passion for faithful interpretation that goes far beyond historical understanding. Their previous recordings for Hyperion have been praised for their liveliness, colour and full string sound. In this new recording these aspects of their performance are alchemically combined with a feeling of the great solemnity of Bach's monumental achievement. Mass in B minor BWV232 COMPACT DISC 1 Part 1 1 Kyrie eleison [10'31] 2 Christe eleison [4'54] 3 Kyrie eleison [4'03] 4 Gloria in excelsis Deo [1'43] 5 Et in terra pax hominibus [5'19] 6 Laudamus te [4'14] 7 Gratias agimus tibi [3'35] 8 Domine Deus [5'47] 9 Qui tollis peccata mundi [3'45] bl Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris [4'34] bm Quoniam tu solus sanctus [4'36] bn Cum Sancto Spiritu [4'04] COMPACT DISC 2 Part 2 1 Credo in unum Deum [1'59] 2 Patrem omnipotentem [1'56] 3 Et in unum Dominum [4'31] 4 Et incarnatus est [3'11] 5 Crucifixus etiam pro nobis [3'20] 6 Et resurrexit tertia die [4'07] 7 Et in Spiritum Sanctum [5'34] 8 Confiteor unum baptisma [5'12] 9 Et exspecto resurrectionem [2'14] Part 3 bl Sanctus [5'17] Part 4 bm Osanna in excelsis [2'37] bn Benedictus [4'56] bo Osanna in excelsis [2'41] bp Agnus Dei [5'43] bq Dona nobis pacem [4'17]

巴哈 B小調彌撒 阿爾坎傑羅合奏團 Arcangelo Bach Mass in B minor CDA68051 2 商品選項

巴哈 B小調彌撒 阿爾坎傑羅合奏團 Arcangelo Bach Mass in B minor CDA68051 2 屬性

巴哈 B小調彌撒 阿爾坎傑羅合奏團 Arcangelo Bach Mass in B minor CDA68051 2 用戶評測


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