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D史卡拉第 鋼琴奏鳴曲第1集 費德里克科利 鋼琴 Colli D Scarlatti Sonatas CHAN10988 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

D史卡拉第 鋼琴奏鳴曲第1集 費德里克科利 鋼琴 Colli D Scarlatti Sonatas CHAN10988 規格

D史卡拉第 鋼琴奏鳴曲第1集 費德里克科利 鋼琴 Colli D Scarlatti Sonatas CHAN10988 最新價格

D史卡拉第 鋼琴奏鳴曲第1集 費德里克科利 鋼琴 Colli D Scarlatti Sonatas CHAN10988 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

D史卡拉第 鋼琴奏鳴曲第1集 費德里克科利 鋼琴 Colli D Scarlatti Sonatas CHAN10988 描述

專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2018 國際條碼: 0095115198827 音樂廠牌: Chandos 幻覺的力量 多明尼哥.史卡拉第: 鋼琴奏鳴曲第一集 費德里克.科利 鋼琴 Chandos' new exclusive collaboration with the recent Salzburg and Leeds competition winner Federico Colli is kicking off with this first volume in a unique Scarlatti series. Playing on a modern Steinway, the Italian pianist – internationally recognised for his intelligent, imaginative interpretations and impeccable technique – here explores the keyboard sonatas of Scarlatti, taking a fresh approach from a philosophical angle, by grouping the compositions into 'chapters' in order to reflect the many contrasts of his life and his contradictory personality. In personal booklet notes Colli reveals: 'I conceived a map of a journey into transcendental thought, beyond the works' phenomenological meaning. Each chapter has a title and the individual sonatas in each chapter refer back to the permeating image of its basic idea.' This album is an exceptional start to what promises to be an exciting, long-lasting partnership. Sonatas, Volume 1 Chapter 1. The Power of Illusion 1. Sonata, KK 19-7:03 2 .Sonata, KK 380-5:31 3. Sonata, KK 9-4:36 4. Sonata, KK 234-5:44 5. Sonata, KK 492-3:58 6. Sonata, KK 322-3:13 7. Sonata, KK 525-2:14 8. Sonata, KK 39-2:33 9. Sonata, KK 396-3:15 10. Sonata, KK 450-3:36 11. Sonata, KK 430-3:15 12. Sonata, KK 1-2:24 13. Sonata, KK 197-6:18 14. Sonata, KK 69-4:34 15. Sonata, KK 208-6:11 16. Sonata, KK 32-1:39

D史卡拉第 鋼琴奏鳴曲第1集 費德里克科利 鋼琴 Colli D Scarlatti Sonatas CHAN10988 商品選項

D史卡拉第 鋼琴奏鳴曲第1集 費德里克科利 鋼琴 Colli D Scarlatti Sonatas CHAN10988 屬性

歐洲 & 美國
CD, DVD & 藍光光碟類型

D史卡拉第 鋼琴奏鳴曲第1集 費德里克科利 鋼琴 Colli D Scarlatti Sonatas CHAN10988 用戶評測


D史卡拉第 鋼琴奏鳴曲第1集 費德里克科利 鋼琴 Colli D Scarlatti Sonatas CHAN10988 相關商品

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