始終傳奇的 DITTO LOOPER 在效果器的世界為自己開拓出的一獨特且不可被取代的地位 TC 不停挑戰自我, 把強大的功能擺進一顆輕巧不佔位的效果器殼裡, 搭配直覺的操控面板. Ditto+ 把你熟悉熱愛的原始Ditto再度強化了那麼一點 可以存取最多99個loop段落, 可以輸入輸出以及全新的延伸loop功能, Ditto+ 提供了樂手更多的可能 Dynamically DITTO+ The new groundbreaking Extended Loop Mode lets you put longer overdubs on top of shorter loops by stacking the short ones together side by side. Confused? An example will help: Imagine you’re cooking up a cool little funk progression over a few bars. You’ve laid down your first loop and you’re about to season it with a generous sprinkle of nickel-plated fairy dust. BUT that tasty melody line in your head develops over several whole loop progressions instead of just one! Enter Extended Loop Mode: When you start the overdub, DITTO+ repeats the first loop progression until you’re done before sewing it all together as one.