【官方獨家】VT X BTS L'ATELIER-RM「森之呼吸」香水禮盒(贈品詳見內文) 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
★贈防彈少年團立牌+全球限量台灣限定果凍袋 .韓國人氣天團-BTS防彈少年團 .近距離接觸,噴上同調性的香水 .BTS專屬味道與偶像心緊緊依靠 .韓式典雅卻具有十足爆發力的香氣 .不用飛去韓國,也能同步追流行 L'atelier Des Subtils Eau De Bois by VT Cosmetics Perfume. Take a walk through a dark, resinous pine forest and add a touch of spice, and your senses couldn't be more stimulated than by L'atelier Des Subtils Eau De Bois. This 2019 fragrance opens with spunky coriander and a touch of juniper and quickly whisks in the luxuriant scent of lavender. A touch of ambrette or musk mallow trails along adding just the flicker of pungency to the overall complexity before a waft of vetiver and cedar takes over in the base. Subtle, yet resonating, this scent truly captures the essence of a skilled woodsmith in the midst of crafting something gorgeous. Vt Cosmetics began in Korea and specializes in carefully engineered facial applications designed to augment the natural beauty of the human face. The company frequently collaborates with Bts, a well-known K-Pop band, to introduce a variety of skin care, makeup and fragrance offerings for both local and international fans. RM的是「Eau de Bois」,Woods 在幽靜的樹林中深呼吸的瞬間,前調香菜和杜松,中調黃葵和薰衣草,後調香根草和雪松,中文取名為 VT X BTS L'ATELIER-RM「森之呼吸」香水 RM: 「冬季在幽靜的樹林中深呼吸的一瞬間」 「溫暖人心,適合男性的一款日常香」 「森林裡樹木的味道,清爽感」 「堅韌木質香與高質感麝香味」 「平靜又中性的木質香」 #BTS #RM #防彈少年團 #KPOP #韓流站 #香水 #VT #VTCOSMETICS