人氣漫畫家SANA長期在《未來少年》雜誌開闢漫畫專欄,累積的忠實粉絲從小學生到小學生的媽媽,都對她的漫畫愛不釋手。 SANA的漫畫風格活潑可愛,角色個性鮮活,情境生活化,就像發生在我們每天的日常生活中,總是讓人會心一笑。 在本書中,SANA回憶了從小到大的校園趣事,和生活糗事,讀者彷彿乘著時空飛行器,穿梭在童年與青春時期,遨遊在校園、課堂與家庭中,點點滴滴的故事,充滿了甜蜜與歡笑。 作者簡介 作者 /SANA FB粉絲團與部落格圖文作家、LINE貼圖小鋪官方合作插畫家,從小喜愛天馬行空,致力於畫出有趣與生活化的作品。不定時於在網路上分享生活漫畫,歡迎來follow粉絲團喔~ 著作:《看漫畫學論語》、《SANA放空ing》、《SANA戀愛ing》、《嗶!OL今天不上班》 SANA is a blogger and owns a big fan base on Facebook. She cooperates with Line, one of the largest, most popular social networks and instant communications apps in Asia. SANA is extremely creative. Her works reflect whatever that interests her in her daily life. She irregularly shares her thoughts online through comics, and encourages fans to follow her on her blog, sana217.com. SANA’s works include learning the Analects of Confucius through Comics, etc. 繪者簡介 繪者 /SANA FB粉絲團與部落格圖文作家、LINE貼圖小鋪官方合作插畫家,從小喜愛天馬行空,致力於畫出有趣與生活化的作品。不定時於在網路上分享生活漫畫,歡迎來follow粉絲團喔~ 著作:《看漫畫學論語》、《SANA放空ing》、《SANA戀愛ing》、《嗶!OL今天不上班》 SANA is a blogger and owns a big fan base on Facebook. She cooperates with Line, one of the largest, most popular social networks and instant communications apps in Asia. SANA is extremely creative. Her works reflect whatever that interests her in her daily life. She irregularly shares her thoughts online through comics, and encourages fans to follow her on her blog, sana217.com. SANA’s works include learning the Analects of Confucius through Comics, etc. 書籍資料 出版社 小天下 出版日期 2020-03-17 版本 無注音 ‧無英文 裝訂 平裝:120頁 ISBN 9789864799541 書號 BFMY011