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【小天下】神探噴射雞(共4冊):給小學生的第一套網路素養故事書 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

【小天下】神探噴射雞(共4冊):給小學生的第一套網路素養故事書 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


《神探噴射雞》 讓孩子擺脫網路成癮, 以及探討科技產品更新過快的浪費 低頭族請注意!神探噴射雞來了。 趕快放下手機,拿起書本, 讓心靈更充實,幸福美滿100分! 《耍賴哎屁屁》 教導孩子適度使用通訊軟體的正確方式, 避免人與人疏離的危機 為什麼「耍賴哎屁屁」替手雞王國帶來便利, 卻為魔王雞國帶來災難? 新科技帶給我們的到底是幸福,還是不幸? 出發吧!跟著莓莓和神探噴射雞, 一邊冒險,一邊思索,找出最佳解答! 《腳書大魔法》 增加孩子自我認同感,拒絕社群軟體造成的網路霸凌 腳鴨王國的鴨民好迷腳書,每天忙著貼文和喊讚。 腳書大魔女在王宮後面用讚球蓋了一座超高的魔塔, 還軟禁薑母鴨小公主,抓走莓莓的弟弟。究竟她有什麼陰謀? 一場跨越虛擬和真實,充滿愛與勇氣的大冒險就要開始嘍! 不完美的自己 vs. 完美的虛擬角色,誰能得到真實的幸福? 《怪盜咕狗俠》 帶孩子輕鬆學習如何正確判讀資訊, 以及辨別網路詐欺陷阱 噗──咻咻咻──! 戴著獵鹿帽、抽著巧克力菸斗、 噴著屁風的神探噴射雞遇到史上最強的勁敵了! 神探噴射雞vs. 怪盜咕狗俠, 到底結局會雞犬不寧、雞飛狗跳,還是雞犬升天? 作者簡介 作者 /蕭逸清 像熊一樣喜歡睡覺的美術老師。喜歡洗澡時大聲唱歌,喜歡躺著看雲朵發呆;喜歡看書聽歌,喜歡亂塗亂畫;喜歡好多好多人,喜歡好多好多事。我和「喜歡」躺在冬天的山洞裡,做著像蜂蜜般奇妙的美夢,再把夢境織成一本一本的童話。希望大家也會喜歡。作品曾獲九歌現代少兒文學獎首獎、教育部文藝創作獎教師組童話類特優、吳濁流文藝獎童話類第三名等多項大獎。 Yi-Ching Hsiao describes herself as an art teacher who likes to sleep like a bear. She likes to sing loudly when taking a bath, and to watch the clouds lying down, daydreaming. She likes reading books and listening to songs, as well as doodling. She loves lots and lots of people, and lots and lots of things. Above all, she likes to lie in the caves during the winter, dreaming like honey, and then weaving those dreams into fairy tales in hopes that everyone will like them as well. Hsiao is the recipient of the Wu Chuo-liou Literary Prize, the Chiuko Modern Children’s Literature Award, and the Creative Literature Award of the Ministry of Culture. 繪者簡介 繪者 /陳佳蕙 一個夏天出生、冬天直打哆嗦的人。有一個愛留短髮的女兒,最大的樂趣就是和女兒鬥嘴。熱愛插畫工作,忙的時候曾近一個月足不出戶,空閒時又只想窩在沙發上放空,是個有工作沒工作都賴在家的宅女。十歲時的願望是為文章畫插圖,這個夢想現在終於實現了。作品散見各報章、雜誌和書籍。 Chiahui Chen is a person born in the summer, who shivers during the winter. She has a daughter who loves to wear short hair, and with whom she enjoys constantly bickering at. She loves to illustrate. When she’s busy drawing, she has stayed home for nearly a month without going out. When she’s free, she just wants to be a couch potato. Chen is happy to be a homebody with or without anything to do. Her wish since the age of 10 has been to draw illustrations. This dream has finally come true. 書籍資料 出版社 小天下 出版日期 2020-09-03 版本 有注音 ‧無英文 裝訂 平裝:576頁 ISBN 4713510949610 書號 BKL369X







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