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【未來親子官方旗艦店(小天下)】永遠的雕像 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

【未來親子官方旗艦店(小天下)】永遠的雕像 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


憨厚的小徒弟向嚴厲的雕刻職人拜師學藝, 老師傅要求高,刻虎雕龍,一毛一鱗都不能少! 犀牛國王熱愛雕像,不斷追求完美的作品, 日復一日敲敲打打,雕塑的魅力究竟何在? 冷硬的素材要如何刻進人心,留下永恆的形象? 敲敲打打,刻劃美好人生! 繼《月光下的舞蹈家》(舞蹈)、《誰是大作家?》(文學)、《戲臺上的大將軍》(戲劇)、《第100棟樓》(建築)、《想不到的畫》(繪畫) 、《首席大提琴手》(音樂)之後,這一回,王文華老師從「雕塑」的角度,一窺巧匠灌注精神的創作過程中,如何賦予作品生命,同時也透過作品觀看世界與人生。 《永遠的雕像》收錄了〈一根都不能少〉與〈永遠的雕像〉兩篇故事。 〈一根都不能少〉講述憨厚的小象徒弟跟著章魚師傅學手藝,但是章魚師傅要求高,刻虎雕龍,除了眼神銳利,氣勢要猛,一毛一鱗都不能少。日復一日敲敲打打,乏味枯燥又沒有成就感,哪一天才能出師呢?師兄們早早受不了,一個個趁夜逃跑,小象是不是也該下定決心選擇離開? 〈永遠的雕像〉故事裡,有個受人民景仰,卻好大喜功的國王,只要遇上值得慶祝的事,都會要求立雕像。因為偉大的人物,才能留下偉大的雕像;偉大的雕像,是為了紀念偉大的事蹟。城裡每天敲敲打打,像個大工地,久而久之,大街小巷占滿了國王的雕像,但是國王仍然不滿足,還想要更多更大的⋯⋯ 作者簡介 作者 /王文華 金鼎獎作家,家住埔里小鎮,在一所群山懷抱的小學裡當老師。得過牧笛獎童話首獎,以《首席大提琴手》與《可能小學的愛地球任務》拿到金鼎獎。他最愛秋天。涼涼的秋天,月光遍灑的夜晚,故事蟲一隻一隻跑出來,牠們排著隊,一隻挨著一隻,乖乖站在月光下,搶著說出自己的故事。 那時,是王文華最忙的時候,他連忙煮咖啡,點蚊香,豪氣的連開十幾個檔案,希望有十六隻手、八個鍵盤,才能把故事蟲告訴他的故事一一寫下來。這麼多年下來,他聽著故事蟲們說的話,寫出很多很棒的故事。 歡迎到王文華的童話公園,連上他的FB,把他加為你的好友吧! Wen-Hua Wang lives in the rural village of Puli, Taiwan. He teaches at a school surrounded by mountains. Wang is the recipient of the first prize at the Mandarin Daily News Reed Pipe Awards, and received the Golden Tripod Awards for his books The Principal Cello and The Possibility School’s Mission: Love Earth.Wang’s favorite season is autumn. In the cool autumn nights when the moon lights the skies, story worms seem to come into his head one by one. They line up standing in the moonlight, rushing to tell their own story. Wang is busiest during this time, he quickly brews coffee, burns mosquito coils, and opens up dozens of files to take down these stories. He wishes he had 16 hands and eight keyboards to type up all the stories told by the story worms in his head. After so many years, he’s listened to the stories of these story worms, and has written many great books. For more on the author, please visit his website at, or add him as a friend on Facebook! 繪者簡介 繪者 /蔡元婷 小時候愛塗鴉,把畫畫當興趣,但大學念的是和畫畫不相關的科系。畢業後,決定未來要做自己真正喜歡的事,而前往美國薩凡納藝術設計學院就讀,2015年取得插畫與平面設計雙碩士。回臺後,成為自由插畫家。喜歡挑戰各式各樣的主題與內容,也嘗試在圖文專欄中編寫故事。作品曾獲2016年美國3x3國際當代插畫獎優選。 Yuan-Ting Tsai has loved to doodle since she was little, and drawing has always been a hobby. However, she chose to major in something totally unrelated to drawing in college. After graduation, Tsai finally decided to pursue what she loved to do, and in 2015, received dual Master’s degrees in Illustrations and graphic design at the Savannah College of Art Design. Upon returning to Taiwan, she became a free-lance illustrator. She likes the challenge of different themes and contents, and has also attempted to write her own stories in columns. She has received the 3x3 International Illustration Award. 書籍資料 出版社 小天下 出版日期 2020-07-27 版本 有注音 ‧無英文 裝訂 平裝:128頁 ISBN 9789865535179 書號 BKL367







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