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【小天下】紅樹林真好玩 描述


一個晴朗的星期天下午,小男孩和爸媽騎著腳踏車出門,一家人來到紅樹林遊玩,進行了一趟精彩的自然觀察之旅。 故事以第一人稱敘述,藉由小男孩和爸媽的對話,帶出紅樹林豐富的生態和動植物的外型特徵,從蔓荊、馬鞍藤、水筆仔,到和尚蟹、招潮蟹、彈塗魚,還有大白鷺、小白鷺、高蹺鴴等水鳥,作者以放大鏡般的特寫鏡頭細細描繪,不僅讓我們能近距離觀察到招潮蟹的紋路、彈塗魚的斑點等等,更得以進一步探索溼地世界的奧祕。 《紅樹林真好玩》可說是第一本認識紅樹林的自然生態繪本,資深繪本作家陳麗雅觀察入微,以栩栩如生的細膩插圖和簡單生動的文字,帶領讀者走進紅樹林!書中精心設計了超過80公分開門折大拉頁,將水筆仔的成長過程完整呈現。 另在故事最後附上和紅樹林相關的知識頁,紅樹林對大自然和人類都很重要,除了設立自然保留區來保護紅樹林之外,我們更應該深入了解紅樹林,才能用正確的方法保護這種複雜又獨特的生態環境。保護紅樹林就從認識開始——走,一起去拜訪紅樹林! 《紅樹林真好玩》是帶領我們走進紅樹林這種淡鹹水交會處的溼地,跟胎生植物水筆仔、招潮蟹、彈塗魚或是和各種昆蟲交朋友的一本入門書。它也是一本橋梁書,教我們在看完紅樹林之後如何舉一反三,進而到森林、河邊、海裡去看看各種不同類型棲地的生物。所以看完書之後,就讓我們一起到紅樹林去玩吧!各種生物正在那裡等著大家呢! ——張東君(科普作家、青蛙巫婆) 作者簡介 作者 /陳麗雅 專職繪本作家與插畫家,從事繪本創作多年,擅長自然生態、人物、風景等寫實精細插畫。慣用國畫專用的京和紙作畫,綜合壓克力顏料、水彩、色鉛筆、廣告顏料等,先以小筆勾勒輪廓,再一層層堆疊上色。畫畫對她來說,不只是磨練技巧、敘述主題而已,而是讓她更有能力對萬物付出情感,並且呈現在每一次的創作中。 作品作品曾獲「好書大家讀」年度最佳少年兒童讀物獎、文化部中小學生優良課外讀物推介、上海好童書獎、環保署「綠芽獎」圖畫書特優獎以及入選第一屆韓國CJ圖畫書特展等。主要作品有《我種了高麗菜》、《我家附近的野花》、《長的圓的,一起來蒐集!》等。 Li-Ya Chen is a full-time picture books author and illustrator. She has been writing picture books for years and specializes in natural wilderness, people, and landscapes in the style of realistic and fine illustrations. She likes to use paper specifically for traditional Chinese paintings. As for choosing colors, she chooses acrylic colors, watercolor, color pencils, and poster colors. First, she will use small pens to draw the outlines, and then add colors with several layers. For her, paintings not only sharpen her skills and express the themes, but also allow her to pour her sentiment toward the world. She has won many awards including the Good Books for Everyone Award Best Children’s Books of the Year, and the Shanghai Good Children's Book Award. Her most important works include I Plant a Cabbage, The Wild Flowers in My Neighborhood, Let’s Collect Together! 繪者簡介 繪者 /陳麗雅 專職繪本作家與插畫家,從事繪本創作多年,擅長自然生態、人物、風景等寫實精細插畫。慣用國畫專用的京和紙作畫,綜合壓克力顏料、水彩、色鉛筆、廣告顏料等,先以小筆勾勒輪廓,再一層層堆疊上色。畫畫對她來說,不只是磨練技巧、敘述主題而已,而是讓她更有能力對萬物付出情感,並且呈現在每一次的創作中。 作品作品曾獲「好書大家讀」年度最佳少年兒童讀物獎、文化部中小學生優良課外讀物推介、上海好童書獎、環保署「綠芽獎」圖畫書特優獎以及入選第一屆韓國CJ圖畫書特展等。主要作品有《我種了高麗菜》、《我家附近的野花》、《長的圓的,一起來蒐集!》等。 Li-Ya Chen is a full-time picture books author and illustrator. She has been writing picture books for years and specializes in natural wilderness, people, and landscapes in the style of realistic and fine illustrations. She likes to use paper specifically for traditional Chinese paintings. As for choosing colors, she chooses acrylic colors, watercolor, color pencils, and poster colors. First, she will use small pens to draw the outlines, and then add colors with several layers. For her, paintings not only sharpen her skills and express the themes, but also allow her to pour her sentiment toward the world. She has won many awards including the Good Books for Everyone Award Best Children’s Books of the Year, and the Shanghai Good Children's Book Award. Her most important works include I Plant a Cabbage, The Wild Flowers in My Neighborhood, Let’s Collect Together! 書籍資料 出版社 小天下 出版日期 2021-12-20 版本 有注音 ‧無英文 裝訂 硬精:44頁 ISBN 9789865253653 書號 BKI246

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