哲學是思想的旅程—— 老子和莊子是道家的代表人物,思想博大精深,注重人的精神世界,老子以形而上的道,探討宇宙和萬物的起源,喜歡無為不爭的生命態度;莊子常以寓言故事來表達哲理,認為萬物平等,更要無所依賴才能自由。透過本書深入淺出的引導、解析,讓少年讀者透過老莊思想學習順其自然的道。 本書以輕鬆活潑的編排,有系統的介紹春秋戰國時代儒、墨、道、法,先秦諸子的智慧,讓孩子自然養成獨立思考的能力,及探索未知的勇氣。 系列特色 1. 主題、關鍵詞等循序漸進的方式,引導孩子領略中國哲學的奧妙 2. 幽默風趣的漫畫,為經典閱讀注入無限樂趣 3. 用師生三人的課堂對談切入,培養孩子的獨立思考意識 4. 延伸小知識,擴大孩子跨領域學習的能力 作者簡介 作者 /張嘉驊 1963年生於臺灣嘉義。臺灣大學中文學士,中正大學中文碩士,北京師範大學兒童文學博士。曾任報社雜誌社編輯、大學教師等職。曾出版《海洋之書》、《月光三部曲》、《少年讀史記》、《少年讀西遊記》、《獨眼孫悟空》等正體字版、簡體字版及韓文版童書逾四十冊。 曾獲《國語日報》牧笛獎、「好書大家讀」年度最佳少年兒童讀物獎、《中國時報》「開卷好書獎」年度最佳童書、金鼎獎兒童及少年圖書類優良出版品推薦、桂冠童書獎、冰心兒童圖書獎、中國30 本好書獎及中華優秀出版物獎等重要獎項。2017當當網童書原創榜前十名。作品選入康軒版、翰林版國小國語教科書。 Chia-Hua Chang was born in Chia-yi, Taiwan in 1963. He received a Bachelor’s degree in Chinese Language and Literature from National Taiwan University, a Master’s degree in the same field of study from National Chung Cheng University, and a PhD in Children’s Literature from Beijing Normal University. Chang was both a newspaper and magazine editor, and formerly held the position of college professor. His works, including The Book of Oceans, Moonlight Trilogy, Young Readers Edition of Records of the Grand Historian, the Young Readers Edition of Journey to the West, and Single Eyed Monkey King, have all been published not only in both complex and simplified Chinese editions, but in Korean, as well. Chang is the recipient of numerous awards including: the Mandarin Daily News Reed Pipe Award, Good Books for Everyone Award Best Children's Books of the Year, the China Times Open Book Award Best Children’s Books of the Year, the Golden Tripod Awards Notable Children's Book, the Laurel Children’s Book Award, the Bing Xin Children’s Book Award, the 30 Best Chinese Books Award, and the Chinese Outstanding Publication Award. In 2017, Chang was nominated as one of the top 10 most creative children’s authors on China’s e-commerce website, Dangdang. His works are often selected for Chinese language textbooks at the elementary level in Taiwan. 繪者簡介 繪者 /陳裕仁 在臺灣北部生活十幾年後,回到家鄉臺南,開始了插畫創作生涯。擅長以線條簡單的美式漫畫風格來描述周邊的人事物,在網路或臉書上以Marcomics發表各類型作品。作品常見於網路、各類型商業插畫、雜誌書籍和異業合作。作品包括兒童繪本《我們買了冷氣機》、《國語日報》「鄉鎮拼圖」專欄連載、各類觀光特色地圖及吉祥物設計等。電子信箱:mtv388@hotmail.com 書籍資料 出版社 未來出版 出版日期 2022-03-25 版本 無注音 ‧無英文 裝訂 平裝:288頁 ISBN 9789865254698 書號 BFC117
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