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Merlin Mission #18: Dogs in the Dead of Night【禮筑外文書店】[73折] 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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Merlin Mission #18: Dogs in the Dead of Night【禮筑外文書店】[73折] 描述

書名:Merlin Mission #18: Dogs in the Dead of Night (平裝本) 系列:Magic Tree House Merlin Missions 定價:210元 ISBN13:9780375867965 替代書名:原(神奇樹屋46:阿爾卑斯山歷險) 出版社:Random House Childrens Books 作者:Mary Pope Osborne; Sal Murdocca 裝訂/頁數:平裝/113 規格:19.7cm*13.3cm (高/寬) 出版日:2013/05/28 適讀年齡:小學 品牌 : 禮筑 --------------------------------------------------------------------- #Mary Pope Osborne # Sal Murdocca #外文館 系列簡介: Magic Tree House系列主要描述一對小兄妹Jack 跟Annie的冒險故事。這對小兄妹在森林裡發現了一個堆滿書的神奇樹屋,Jack 翻閱一本有關恐龍的書,指著書上的翼龍驚嘆的說:『真希望能看到活生生的翼龍!』沒想到神奇的樹屋就開始旋轉,樹屋停止後,窗外的世界不再是茂密的森林,而是六十萬年前的恐龍時期,小兄妹於是開始了他們史前時代的冒險之旅! 之後小兄妹利用樹屋到了中古世紀探訪武士、到古埃及找尋木乃伊、與日本忍者碰面、參與美國內戰、一遊北極、亞馬遜......每次的冒險故事都精彩無比喔! 故事主角Jack有科學家的精神與理性的頭腦,對沿途遇到的人、事、物,都以筆記的方式,重點式的紀錄下來。神奇的樹屋就好似一部時光機器,帶領讀者以故事的方式,透過Jack的筆記瞭解不同時代的文化背景。而Annie的感性與勇於嘗試的精神更增添故事的精彩度。 此系列的英文淺顯易懂,有很多不超過五個字的簡單對話,卻很能適當的表達出故事主角的想法。國小學童初學英文一年以上的小朋友可由父母伴讀,學習英文兩年以上者,可嘗試自行閱讀。而對於想透過閱讀青少年文學來增進英文能力的大人們,也是一個不錯的選擇! The fan-favorite chapter-book series whisks Jack and Annie back in time to the Swiss Alps in search of a rare flower. When they find a monastery where monks and St. Bernards live, Annie offers to train a young dog named Barry. Then Barry runs away, and Jack and Annie have a new task to find Barry! Will he lead them to the mysterious flower? Or into danger? Mary Pope Osborne brings together just the right combination of history, magic, and fast-paced adventure to satisfy kids, parents, teachers, and librarians all over the world with her New York Times bestselling series.Story Locale: Swiss Alps, Early 1800s Series Overview: Magic Tree House has 28 classic paperback titles, 22 hardcovers (Merlin Missions), and 28 nonfiction paperbacks (Fact Trackers). As always, the books work as stand-alone titles, but have four-book story arcs that add a deeper dimension to the individual stories. Don't miss the companion Magic Tree House Fact Tracker: Dog Heroes! ★★★注意事項: 1.本店只販售全新正品,絕不賣仿冒品,請安心購買。 2.下標前如商品庫存少於3本,可以蝦皮聊聊確認是否有現貨。

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