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Audrey Wood經典四書【禮筑外文書店】[79折] 描述

書名:Audrey Wood經典四書(Balloonia/Magic Shoelaces/Presto Change-O/Tooth Fairy)(JY版本) (4平裝+4CD) 定價:2100元 ISBN13:9784440880071 出版社:JY Books Kr 作者:Audrey Wood 裝訂/頁數:有聲書/36 規格:26.8cm*24.5cm (高/寬) 本數:4 適讀年齡:學齡前 品牌 : 禮筑 --------------------------------------------------------------------- #Audrey Wood #精選套書 9781846438103 Balloonia (1平裝+1CD)(韓國JY Books版) Where do balloons go at bedtime? Matthew has the answer but, as usual, his bossy older sister Jessica needs to see the proof. A fun book that takes the reader on a journey to the imaginary land of Balloonia. 8809448442869 Presto Change-O (1平裝+1CD)(韓國JY Books版) Matthew and Jessica learn at last the value of co-operation, but only after turning mother into a frog .... Matthew and Jessica's competitiveness gets them in to trouble when a magic trick goes disasterously wrong. They realise that they can only undo the spell by working together. This fun story teaches the value of co-operation and explores the issue of sibling rivalry. 9781846438486 Tooth Fairy (1平裝+1 CD)(韓國JY Books版) When Matthew loses a tooth, Jessica decides to make the Tooth Fairy's visit doubly worthwhile. Fantastic for encouraging children to keep their teeth clean enough to warrant a place in the 'hall of perfect teeth'. 8809448442524 Magic Shoelaces (1平裝+1CD)(韓國JY Books版) Matthew just can't keep his shoelaces tied and is always tripping up. When the magic man offers to swap Matthew's laces for a magic pair, he thinks his wish has come true. However, he soon realises that there are disadvantages to laces that won't come undone. 【推薦原因1】 Audrey Wood為童書界重量級大師之一,說起The Napping House (打瞌睡的房子)更是無人不知無人不曉;此次推薦的四本書,故事中的姊弟,就像家中的小孩一樣,會吃醋會爭寵,也有天馬行空的幻想;透過書中的插圖與故事,跟著他們一起在故事中讓想像力馳騁,不僅大人與小孩讀完之後會莞爾一笑,還同時進行了生命教育。【推薦原因2】 廖彩杏老師在她的有聲書書單中,也選入了這四本書,她認為「孩子純潔無瑕的心是創意萌芽的土壤,孩子之間天馬行空的玩鬧對話更是點亮創意的火苗。Audrey Wood創造了一對可愛的姊弟,Matthew和Jessica,將孩提時代換牙、綁鞋帶、玩氣球、變魔術等珍貴的經歷,化成一個個的幽默故事。…..」(見《新編用有聲書輕鬆聽出英語力:廖彩杏書單168本英語啟蒙經典》第177-184頁。)【推薦原因3】 韓國JY錄製的有聲CD向來以「洗腦」廣受家長喜愛。每本書各有一張CD,每片CD都有5個音軌- 01-JYbook’s Company Song 02-Story Reading (全文朗讀有場景音效) 03-Story Reading with Narration (口述版有背景音效) 04-The Tooth Fairy Song (唱遊版,把故事編成歌曲) 05-Matthew and Jessica’s Pillow Talk (姊弟的床邊細語)【FAQ與超級比一比】 01-JY版CD與原出版社Child’s Play的版本有何不一樣?      原出版社Child’s Play的版本有場景音效,但只有一個音軌,也是很好聽。 02-JY版的書是JY自己印的嗎?      JY版的書,是跟原出版社進口的,只有CD是經過原出版社授權請老外重新錄製的。 03-那要買哪個版本較好呢?      看個人喜好,有的家長偏好JY的版本,因為音軌多元,生動活潑很洗腦;Child’s Play的版本較便宜,也是不錯的選擇。 注意事項: 1.本店只販售全新正品,絕不賣仿冒品,請安心購買。 2.下標前如商品庫存少於3本,可以蝦皮聊聊確認是否有現貨。

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