書名:Skill Sharpeners Grammar & Punctuation, Grade 2 系列:Skill Sharpeners Grammar & Punctuation 定價:350元 ISBN13:9781629388700 出版社:Evan-Moor Corp 作者:Evan-Moor Educational Publishers 裝訂/頁數:平裝/144 出版日:2019/01/01 適讀年齡:小學低年級 品牌 : 禮筑 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 【給孩子的文法與標點符號課本】Grade 2 全彩印刷,均附解答 集合教育專家學者共同編輯,每個單元主題都有閱讀、活動與遊戲練習,讓學生在學習文法和標點符號使用時不會覺得無聊,本書共有15個主題,多元有趣且適合Grade 2的學生,例如像旅遊、遊行、海灘活動等,聚焦於文法與標點符號的概念理解運用,每個主題都包括: -段落選讀:劇情或非劇情類短文,讓學生在文本中找到文法的運用 -規則提示:簡單解釋規則並附上例句 -練習活動:有趣的活動讓學生保持學習熱忱 -文字猜謎遊戲:動動腦練習所學,同時培養批判思考 -寫作練習:學寫作也同時提升理解力 -回顧學習 The grammar concepts for second grade include: -Plural nouns -Adjectives -Verbs -Pronouns -Adverbs -Prepositions -Punctuation concepts for second grade include: End punctuation -Use of apostrophes -Use of commas -Use of colons -Book titles -Abbreviations -Quotation marks -Compound sentences Every Skill Sharpeners workbook now includes a free downloadable Teaching Guide! Skill Sharpeners: Grammar and Punctuation Teaching Guides include: -How to Use directions for teaching important language rules -Sample pacing guide to complete lessons and activities -Teaching suggestions for helping children learn grammar and punctuation rules -Extension activities that include graphic organizers, additional writing activities, and hands-on learning