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Child of Glass (精裝本)【禮筑外文書店】[79折] 描述

書名:Child of Glass (精裝本) 定價:663元 ISBN13:9781592703036 出版社:Enchanted Lion Books 作者:Beatrice Alemagna 裝訂/頁數:精裝/52 規格:26.7cm*21cm (高/寬) 出版日:2019/12/03 適讀年齡:小學中年級 品牌 : 禮筑 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 生而透明的人生該如何平凡的過下去?獲獎作家Beatrice Alemagna充滿深度寓意之作 在一個平凡無奇的小鎮上,誕生了一個全身透明的女孩,她叫做吉賽兒,全身透明的她立刻成為全鎮的焦點,如同冰晶般的身軀透著光,她是那麼獨特,同時也是如此「怪異」。 她發現她的思緒會直接顯示在她的腦中,加上她全身都是透明的,旁人對她的想法、喜好、個性與恐懼全部一覽無遺,她的童年就在被所有人看光光的姿態下度過,但隨著她逐漸長大,慢慢有了更多自我的想法與意識,毫無隱私的生活終於讓她無法接受,但她又該如何尋找最適合自己的生存方式呢? 曾囊括各項國際插畫獎項,阿蕾瑪娜從不使用電腦繪圖,以精湛的手繪技巧和各種技法為不同主題的繪本營造獨特氛圍,她在《巴黎的獅子》中使用拼貼技法和色鉛筆,虛實交錯地勾勒巴黎的樣貌。Child of Glass 中她再次大膽結合不同媒材和硬筆筆觸,營造出不同於前幾本童趣的路線,全身透明的孩子吉賽兒一出生就受到全鎮人的注目,她是如此與眾不同,卻也因此帶來不幸,奇特的人生又該怎麼活出幸福?值得讀者一起來思考。 A story about difference, exclusion, experience, and ultimately the embrace of one's core self, Child of Glass explores the interplay between inner and outer and the journey we have to go on to be at home within ourselves.Child of Glass is about Gisele, a fragile, strong, transparent girl who denounces the meanness that can mark life in the world. In sparse, poetic language that all of us, however young or old, can understand, Child of Glass reminds us of our birthright to become ourselves. Freedom isn’t about accepting what is; it’s about asking the questions and taking the actions that allow us to be at home in the world.Beautifully illustrated in a painterly, drawn, and collaged style, this is a story of layers, textures, and transparencies in every sense. It is also a book that explores the possibilities of form to render idea, thereby providing connective tissue between the world of the book and life in the world.“To draw is to tell. Everyone who feels emotion has something to tell. Emotions keep on changing, growing, as children do. My drawings and stories change with them.” So says Beatrice Alemagna, who was born in Bologna, Italy, in 1973. Alemagna has written and illustrated dozens of children’s books, which have received numerous awards all over the world and have been translated into fourteen languages. She has also had solo exhibitions in France, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Sweden, and Japan. Alemagna’s The Wonderful Fluffy Little Squishy is also published by Enchanted Lion. 注意事項: 1.本店只販售全新正品,絕不賣仿冒品,請安心購買。 2.下標前如商品庫存少於3本,可以蝦皮聊聊確認是否有現貨。

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