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Fighting Words (精裝本)(2021 Newbery Honor Book)【禮筑外文書店】[79折] 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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Fighting Words (精裝本)(2021 Newbery Honor Book)【禮筑外文書店】[79折] 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

Fighting Words (精裝本)(2021 Newbery Honor Book)【禮筑外文書店】[79折] 描述

書名:Fighting Words 定價:630元 ISBN13:9781984815682 出版社:Dial Pr 作者:Kimberly Brubaker Bradley 裝訂/頁數:精裝/272 規格:21cm*14cm (高/寬) 出版日:2020/08/11 品牌 : 禮筑 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ★☆2021年紐伯瑞銀賞作品☆★ “The War that Saved My Life”作者Kimberly Brubaker Bradley 再次寫下撼動讀者心靈之作 10歲的黛拉無論如何都有蘇琪,她已經很久沒看過在牢中精神失常的母親,兩姊妹於是相依為命,16歲的蘇琪在外兼職打工,讓黛拉能去學校唸書。 黛拉無論如何都有蘇琪,當她們的媽媽被判刑時,黛拉還有蘇琪;當媽媽的男友克里夫頓將她們帶進自己家中,黛拉還有蘇琪,但黛拉沒想過,誰能來保護她姐姐?不知道從何時開始,蘇琪變得想遠離她,變得很常掉淚,當克里夫頓靠近時,蘇琪的臉上充滿恐懼與憤怒。無法應對這一切的黛拉選擇沉默,選擇躲避蘇琪渙散悲傷的眼神,直到有一天,她發現蘇琪痛苦不堪地哭紅雙眼,手拿著刀子想結束生命... 黛拉這時才驚覺,某些事情並不是低調安靜就能度過,某些事情需要發聲,需要被聽見,而為了蘇琪,她知道自己該聲嘶力竭地說出事實,即便那需要付出同等沉重的代價... Kimberly Brubaker Bradley筆下的故事始終都能為讀者帶來希望與感動,而這次,她選擇用沉重的議題呈現性暴力倖存者們的傷痛與堅強。透過黛拉的觀點敘述,用孩子的立場走進一樁問題家庭引發的悲劇,面對有害的寄養家庭與時常被壓下的校園性騷擾,即便令讀者不忍卒睹,但類似的情節卻無數次地在現實生活中上演。近年越來越多以兒少性別安全為主題的青少年小說被出版,藉由不斷的述說與揭露,試圖引起社會大眾更多的關注。 Ten-tear-old Della has always had her older sister, Suki: When their mom went to prison, Della had Suki. When their mom’s boyfriend took them in, Della had Suki. When that same boyfriend did something so awful they had to run fast, Della had Suki. Suki is Della’s own wolf―her protector. But who has been protecting Suki? Della might get told off for swearing at school, but she has always known how to keep quiet where it counts. Then Suki tries to kill herself, and Della’s world turns so far upside down, it feels like it’s shaking her by the ankles. Maybe she’s been quiet about the wrong things. Maybe it’s time to be loud. In this powerful novel that explodes the stigma around child sexual abuse and leavens an intense tale with compassion and humor, Kimberly Brubaker Bradley tells a story about two sisters, linked by love and trauma, who must find their own voices before they can find their way back to each other. “Believable and immensely appealing…At once heartbreaking and hopeful.” ―Kirkus (starred review) “One of the most important books ever written for kids.” ―Colby Sharp of Nerdy Book Club “Gripping. Life-changing. Essential.” ―Donna Gephart, author of Lily and Dunkin “Compassionate, truthful, and beautiful.” ―Elana K. Arnold, author of Damsel “I am blown away. This is a powerful, necessary book…[It] may be Kimberly Brubaker Bradley’s best work yet.”―Barbara Dee, author of Maybe He Just Likes You “One of the best of the year.”―Betsy Bird for A Fuse #8 Production/SLJ “A book that lets [kids] know they have never been alone. And never will be.” ―Kat Yeh, author of The Truth About Twinkie Pie 注意事項: 1.本店只販售全新正品,絕不賣仿冒品,請安心購買。 2.下標前如商品庫存少於3本,可以蝦皮聊聊確認是否有現貨。

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