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Judy Moody #15: Book Quiz Whiz (平裝本)【禮筑外文書店】[73折] 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Judy Moody #15: Book Quiz Whiz (平裝本)【禮筑外文書店】[73折] 規格

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Judy Moody #15: Book Quiz Whiz (平裝本)【禮筑外文書店】[73折] 描述

書名:Judy Moody #15: Book Quiz Whiz (平裝本) 系列:Judy Moody 定價:210元 ISBN13:9781536213997 出版社:Candlewick Pr 作者:Megan McDonald;Peter H. Reynolds(ILT) 裝訂/頁數:平裝/176 規格:18.6cm*14.0cm (高/寬) 出版日:2020/09/08 適讀年齡:小學 品牌 : 禮筑 --------------------------------------------------------------------- #Megan McDonald #Peter H. Reynolds(ILT) Books, books, books! Judy’s got books on the brain as she prepares for a totally RARE trivia competition. Has reading always been this exciting?Judy Moody is in it to win it. Win the Book Quiz Blowout, that is. Judy and her brother, Stink, are two-fifths of the Virginia Dare Bookworms, and they’ve been reading up a storm to prepare for Saturday’s face-off against second- and third-grade readers from the next town. Judy’s trying out all kinds of tactics, from hanging upside down like Pippi Longstocking to teaching herself to speed read The Princess in Black, and Stink has fashioned a cape of book trivia sticky notes to help him remember all the penguins in Mr. Popper’s Penguins. But when Judy, Stink, and their fellow teammates discover the other group has a fourth-grader (no lie!), they get a bit nervous. Are the Bookworms up to the challenge? Judy Moody 系列介紹: 古靈精怪的淘氣小女孩Judy Moody雖然才小學三年級, 但是她腦袋裡的鬼點子往往連大人也意想不到。 她不但做了很多孩子平常想做卻不能做的事,且做得創意破表。 Judy有各種大想法,想當女醫生、想上報出名、想拯救世界, 因而闖禍多、笑料也多,有時胡搞瞎搞,卻也有模有樣。 她最想養的寵物是二趾樹懶,在T恤上寫「我吃了一條鯊魚」, 從美國獨立聖地波士頓旅遊回來, 竟仿效前人對爸媽宣告獨立! Judy Moody人如其名, 生活中的大小事件總是引起她強烈的情緒(mood)反應, 連老師和爸媽都鎮不住她鮮明的個性和無窮無盡的另類意見。 好在她的情緒來得快去得也快,上一秒還煩悶難當的她, 可能下一秒就因為偶然發現一件小小趣事而笑逐顏開, 讓人不喜歡也難,無怪乎成為Megan McDonald筆下最受歡迎的角色。 Judy Moody系列特點: ✔孩子心理特質與人際關係上的著墨。 例:孩子在群體扮演的角色,同儕競合關係、長幼相處之道、個人對應環境的關聯等 ✔作者使用語言生活化且極為靈活 ✔每本都設有主題,帶進相關知識讓孩子讀到許多人地史事 Lexile: 510L, 頁數:160-180頁 適讀年齡:國小三年級以上 注意事項: 1.本店只販售全新正品,絕不賣仿冒品,請安心購買。 2.下標前如商品庫存少於3本,可以蝦皮聊聊確認是否有現貨。

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