Peppa Orange Bag (10平裝+1CD)(附橘色書袋)【禮筑外文書店】(有聲書)[3折] 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
書名:Peppa Orange Bag (10平裝+1CD)(附橘色書袋) 系列:Peppa Pig 定價:2745元 ISBN13:9780241349373 出版社:Ladybird UK 作者:Ladybird 裝訂:有聲書 出版日:2019/08/01 適讀年齡:學齡前 品牌 : 禮筑 --------------------------------------------------------------------- #Ladybird #精選套書 Peppa Pig 有聲故事套書-10本平裝書+1CD,附橘色書袋精選Peppa Pig 10個精彩故事: 1. A Trip to the Moon Prepare for take-off! George and his friend Edmond love pretending to be astronauts. But what will happen when they go on a trip to the moon? 喜歡太空人的George 跟好友Edmond 一起參觀博物館。準備出發,跟著他們一起來趟知識滿滿的月球之旅! 2. Mr Bull in a China Shop Poor Mr Bull is very upset - he's broken his favourite teapot! Can Miss Rabbit put it back together again? 可憐的Mr Bull 心愛的茶壺破掉了!擁有瓷器店的Miss Rabbit 能修好它嗎? 3. The Wishing Well When Grandpa Pig gets a new wishing well in his garden, Peppa and George are thrilled. But will their wishes come true? Granpa Pig 在他的花園裡發現一口許願井,Peppa 和George 滿心期待的許了願,他們的願望都會成真嗎? 4. The Naughty Tortoise Tiddles the tortoise should be getting ready to hibernate. Instead the naughty tortoise has climbed a tree! Who can get him down? 即將進入冬眠的小烏龜Tiddles 不想睡覺,調皮的牠竟然爬到樹上不肯下來,誰能抓住牠呢? 5. The Toy Cupboard Peppa and George need a new cupboard for their toys. But they buy one without any instructions! Will they still be able to build it? Peppa 和George 的玩具太多了!他們需要一個新的玩具櫃,但送來的櫃子沒有組裝說明書。他們協力能成功組裝玩具櫃嗎? 6.Horsey Twinkle Toes Aunty Dottie sends Peppa and George a wonderful present. It's a toy horse! But can they learn to share it? Aunty Dottie 送Peppa 和George 一隻玩具馬。但是兩個人卻只有一隻馬,他們該怎麼辦?他們能學會分享嗎? 7. Daddy Pig's Lost Keys Peppa and George are having a lovely day out, until Daddy Pig drops the car keys down the drain! How will he get them back out again? Peppa 一家人開車到山上玩,回程時,Daddy Pig 的鑰匙竟然掉進排水溝!Daddy Pig 該如何找回鑰匙,挽救美好的一天? 8. Mr Fox's Shop It's Granny and Grandpa Pig's wedding anniversary. Peppa and George want to get them a present. But what should they buy? 為了尋找Granny and Grandpa Pig 結婚周年紀念的禮物,Peppa 一家來到Mr Fox的商店。他們能從各式各樣的商品中找到適合的禮物嗎? 9. Miss Rabbit's Day Off Miss Rabbit is ill, but she has lots of jobs to do! Who will work at the supermarket, sell ice creams and drive the bus today? Miss Rabbit 生病了,但是他有好多好多工作要做!超市收銀、賣冰淇淋、開巴士......等等,有誰能來幫助她呢? 10. The Fancy Dress Party Peppa and George are having a fancy dress party. All their friends are coming. But who's going to win the prize for the best costume? Peppa 和George 舉辦了一場變裝派對,邀請好多朋友一起參加。誰的把打扮最吸睛?誰會獲得最佳造型獎呢?