書名:Just One Apple 定價:628元 ISBN13:9780735841512 出版社:North South Books 作者:Janosch 裝訂/頁數:精裝/32 規格:27.9cm*21.6cm (高/寬) 出版日:2014/09/01 適讀年齡:學齡前 品牌 : 禮筑 --------------------------------------------------------------------- #Janosch While other people’s trees are in full bloom, poor Henry’s tree never bears a single apple—until he makes a wish with all his heart for just one apple. At last, his tree gets a flower and soon the apple begins to grow—bigger and bigger—until all Henry cares about is guarding his apple. With no friends left, Henry struggles to bring the huge apple to market, but nobody wants to buy it—they don’t believe it’s real. All seems lost until an insatiable dragon attacks the country. Could Henry’s apple save the day? 因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準 注意事項: 1.本店只販售全新正品,絕不賣仿冒品,請安心購買。 2.下標前如商品庫存少於3本,可以蝦皮聊聊確認是否有現貨。