書名:The Returned (TV tie-in) 定價:439元 ISBN13:9781447267232 出版社:Macmillan UK 賣場名稱:禮筑外文書店 作者:Seth Patrick 裝訂:平裝 出版日:2014/10/09 品牌 : 禮筑 --------------------------------------------------------------------- #Seth Patrick #外文書 英國影集《復仇》原創小說。 The Returned is the first of two books set in this world based on the award-winning TV series. It attracted nearly eight million viewers over the eight episodes and quickly became a cult phenomenon with high-profile fans such as Stephen King. It's been shown world-wide, and won an International Emmy for Best Drama. With fantastic audience support, and amazing reviews in the press, Pan Macmillan is thrilled to be publishing novelizations of the first two series written by the author of The Reviver, Seth Patrick. What happens when your prayers are answered? Camille A young girl wakes cold and alone on the side of a mountain with no memory of how she got there - and no idea that she died four years ago. When she arrives back home, her family are both thrilled and terrified. How can such a miracle be real? Simon A troubled young man returns to town to find his fiancée is betrothed to another man. Jealous and angry, he cannot forgive her for moving on with her life. Victor An enigmatic boy who refuses to speak, possessed with a strange intensity that gives no clues as to his intentions. He's lost. Equally as lost as the emotionally vulnerable Julie to whom Victor gives a reason for living. Serge Tormented and driven by a hunger so overpowering that not even death can keep him from his desires . . . The Returned brings new storylines, characters and plot revelations to fans who loved the original TV series. 注意事項: 1.本店只販售全新正品,絕不賣仿冒品,請安心購買。 2.賣場商品皆為現書在台,如庫存小於3本,可聊聊請小幫手先確認書況。 3.書籍在運送過程中較易有損傷,如介意者請勿下單。 4.開箱請全程錄影,確保雙方之權益。
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