書名:The Stray Dog(1CD only)(韓國JY Books版) 定價:175元 ISBN13:9788954912822 出版社:JY Books Kr 賣場名稱:禮筑外文書店 作者:Marc Simont 裝訂:有聲書 適讀年齡:學齡前 品牌 : 禮筑 --------------------------------------------------------------------- #Marc Simont When a little dog appears at a family picnic, the girl and boy play with him all afternoon, and they name him Willy. At day's end they say good-bye. But the dog has won their hearts and stays on their minds.The following Saturday the family returns to the picnic grounds to look for Willy, but they are not alone -- the dogcatcher is looking for him, too...Caldecott Medalist Marc Simont's heartwarming tale of a stray dog who finds a home is told with appealing simplicity and grace. 注意事項: 1.本店只販售全新正品,絕不賣仿冒品,請安心購買。 2.賣場商品皆為現書在台,如庫存小於3本,可聊聊請小幫手先確認書況。 3.書籍在運送過程中較易有損傷,如介意者請勿下單。 4.開箱請全程錄影,確保雙方之權益。
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