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Magic Magnifying Glass: My Amazing Body (放大鏡遊戲書)/Nancy Dickmann【禮筑外文書店】(精裝)[9折] 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Magic Magnifying Glass: My Amazing Body (放大鏡遊戲書)/Nancy Dickmann【禮筑外文書店】(精裝)[9折] 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)



書名:Magic Magnifying Glass: My Amazing Body (放大鏡遊戲書) 系列:Magic Magnifying Glass 定價:824元 ISBN13:9780711267701 出版社:Wide Eyed Editions 賣場名稱:禮筑外文書店 作者:Nancy Dickmann;Adam Howling 裝訂/頁數:精裝/38 規格:32.2cm*23.7cm (高/寬) 出版日:2021/08/24 適讀年齡:小學 品牌 : 禮筑 --------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nancy Dickmann #Adam Howling Use your Magic Magnifying Glass to see inside the most fascinating place of all: the human body! See how the heart beats, the lungs breathe and muscles can keep us moving as you explore the inner workings of your amazing body. With your amazing x-ray magnifying glass, you'll be able to peer beneath the surface and examine muscles, nerves, organs and bones. On each spread, read all about different aspects of the human body, from the hair on your head to the tips of your toes, skin cells to skeletons and so much more.Discover how each bit of you has a job to do and how they work together to get it done. Then, get the inside story on each organ, bone and muscle using your special x-ray magnifying glass (included). With real scientific detail and a fun novelty twist, Magic Magnifying Glass: My Amazing Body is the perfect introduction to anatomy for the budding biologist.This hands-on interactive exploration book is sure to delight any curious 6-8 year-old, boys and girls alike. 注意事項: 1.本店只販售全新正品,絕不賣仿冒品,請安心購買。 2.賣場商品皆為現書在台,如庫存小於3本,可聊聊請小幫手先確認書況。 3.書籍在運送過程中較易有損傷,如介意者請勿下單。 4.開箱請全程錄影,確保雙方之權益。






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