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Salt in His Shoes ─ Michael Jordon in Pursuit of a【禮筑外文書店】 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Salt in His Shoes ─ Michael Jordon in Pursuit of a【禮筑外文書店】 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


書名:Salt in His Shoes ─ Michael Jordon in Pursuit of a Dream 定價:315元 ISBN13:9780689834196 替代書名:Salt in His Shoes 出版社:Simon & Schuster 作者:Deloris Jordan/ Roslyn M. Jordan/ Kadir Nelson (ILT) 裝訂:平裝 規格:29.8cm*22.2cm (高/寬) 出版日:2003/11/01 適讀年齡:小學低年級 品牌 : 禮筑 --------------------------------------------------------------------- #Deloris Jordan/ Roslyn M. Jordan/ Kadir Nelson (ILT) Michael Jordan. The mere mention of the name conjures up visions of basketball played at its absolute best. But as a child, Michael almost gave up on his hoop dreams, all because he feared he'd never grow tall enough to play the game that would one day make him famous. That's when his mother and father stepped in and shared the invaluable lesson of what really goes into the making of a champion -- patience, determination, and hard work. Deloris Jordan, mother of the basketball phenomenon, teams up with his sister Roslyn to tell this heartwarming and inspirational story that only the members of the Jordan family could tell. It's a tale about faith and hope and how any family working together can help a child make his or her dreams come true. 注意事項: 1.本店只販售全新正品,絕不賣仿冒品,請安心購買。 2.下標前如商品庫存少於3本,可以蝦皮聊聊確認是否有現貨。







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