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The Longest Storm【禮筑外文書店】(精裝) 描述

書名:The Longest Storm 定價:665元 ISBN13:9781662650475 出版社:Minedition 作者:Dan Yaccarino 裝訂/頁數:精裝/40 出版日:2021/08/31 品牌 : 禮筑 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 【互相陪伴,是度過這漫漫長夜的唯一辦法】 一場史無前例的強烈暴風雨即將降臨! 單親爸爸和他的三個孩子們本來還好整以暇,確認手電筒有電,準備要看的書,充足的糧食,應該足以應付,但沒想到這場暴風雨實在持續太久了!當能做的事全部做完了,孩子們紛紛感到不耐煩,家人間甚至開始互相責怪、抱怨,突然之間,暴風雨讓電力中斷,整間房子一片漆黑!在一片混亂之中,他們是否能倚賴彼此的陪伴,順利度過這場困頓的暴風雨嗎? 由獲獎作家Dan Yaccarino帶來這本非常適合在這個時代閱讀的繪本,其中的「漫長暴風雨」暗指肆虐全世界的新冠肺炎疫情,去年2020年,歐美國家的疫情急轉直下,許多國家首都紛紛宣布封城,人民被困在家中不得外出,瞬間與世界斷了聯繫。 待在家中的時間變長,許多人慢慢發現,有多久沒有好好看著家人的臉了?爸媽上班的模樣、孩子與老師對話的模樣,許多我們未曾見過的面向,讓最親近的家人忽然成為最熟悉的陌生人,有些家庭甚至引發爭執和不愉快,但唯有互相支持與鼓勵,才能度過這場「世紀最強的風暴」,這場危機反而讓我們看見親情最寶貴的價值,也看見父母對子女無盡的愛。 From New York Times Best Illustrated award winner Dan Yaccarino comes a heartwarming family story that will resonate for children who've experienced the Covid-19 quarantine -- or other kinds of loss -- featuring a dad and three children who rebuild their fraying bonds after being confined to their home together. No one knew where the strange storm came from, or why it lasted so long. The family at the center of this timely story has to hunker down together, with no going outside - and that's hard when there's absolutely nothing to do, and everyone's getting on everyone else's nerves. One night, when the storm takes a scary turn that leaves them all in the dark, the fractured family finds a way to reconnect and face whatever the future brings, together. This classic in the making will lift hearts with its optimistic vision of a family figuring out how to love and support one another -- even when their everyday world is shrunk beyond recognition. 注意事項: 1.本店只販售全新正品,絕不賣仿冒品,請安心購買。 2.下標前如商品庫存少於3本,可以蝦皮聊聊確認是否有現貨。

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