癭臺灣:蟲癭指南 Let’s Gall Taiwan-A guidebook on insect galls(附放大鏡) 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
書名:癭臺灣:蟲癭指南 Let’s Gall Taiwan-A guidebook on insect galls(附放大鏡)Let’s Gall Taiwan-A guidebook on nsect galls 作者: 董景生, 楊曼妙, 林聖豐, 唐昌廸, 廖一璋, 葉信廷, 王琄嬋, 黃盟元 原文作者: Gene-Sheng Tung, Man-Miao Yang, Sheng-Feng Lin, Chang-Ti Tang, Yi-Chang Liao, Hsin-Ting Yeh, Chuan-Chan Wang, Meng-Yuan Huang 出版社:行政院農業委員會林務局 出版日期:2018/03/01 內容簡介:本書名為蟲癭指南,實則鉅細靡遺的探討了蟲癭學這門鮮為人知的學問,彙集臺灣不同造癭昆蟲之研究成果,從生物學、生態學等多個面向,簡介蟲癭的微觀生命現象,搭配分目圖鑑選介臺灣常見蟲癭,本書將帶您進入曼妙的蟲癭世界。 Though this book is entitled as a guide to Insect galls, the research findings out of various scientific aspects in Cecidology have actually explored as much as possible, with pictures, paintings and drawings. We sincerely hope it can interest and lead you into this extraordinary microscopic world of insect galls.