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聲動:光與音的詩 五南文化廣場 政府出版品 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

聲動:光與音的詩 五南文化廣場 政府出版品 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)



《聲動》由臺北市立美術館與法國里昂國立音樂創作中心共同合作,策展人詹姆斯‧吉魯東(James Giroudon)所策畫,集結而二十多位國內外當代藝術家,數十件音像與音像裝置作品,探討「行動」(movement)如何透過「時空」的遞嬗與過渡,展現當代藝術的可能性。「聲動」取自皮耶-亞蘭.傑夫荷努(Pierre Alain Jaffrennou)的同名裝置作品,展覽回應今日行動世界的變幻莫測,它嘗試啟用跨平台、實驗性的影音裝置,借助各種姿勢及行動的流動轉變,推動著樂音在變幻不停的空間中跌宕行進。它們時而低吟呢喃、時而雄偉壯闊,伴隨著彷彿具有生命般的影像躍動眼前,讓我們沉浸於無所不在的流動音聲中,震撼著想像,開啟全新的感官世界。

Musica Mobile, a Poetics of Sound and Movement is the product of a fruitful cooperation between Taipei Fine Arts Museum and Centre National de Cr?ation Musicale in Lyon. The curator, James Giroudon, combines several audiovisual works and installations from more than twenty artists from around the world. The exhibit explores how ‘‘movement’’ changes and transverses ‘‘space and time,’’ and presents the possibilities offered by modern art. Musica Mobile takes its name from installation created by Pierre Alain Jaffrennou. The exhibition responds to the unpredictable changes throughout today’s world; it attempts to initiate a cross-platform, experimental audiovisual installation that borrows the transitions and flows of various postures and movements and thus propels the uninhibited progression of music through ever-changing space. Whispers and sighs, growls and howls are accompanied by seemingly living images that flit across one’s field of vison, giving one the impression of being submerged in a continuous field of sound, shocking one’s imagination, and opening an entirely new vision.






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