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幸福公路185-漫漫愛永道 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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幸福公路185-漫漫愛永道 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

幸福公路185-漫漫愛永道 描述


找一個好天,來185吧!沿著綠意向南前進,再尋訪沿途的好物、好人情,就如愛鄉土的人所形容,我們正走在一條好心情公路上。 這是一條縱貫屏東、連接大山、通向大海的道路,北起高樹、南至枋寮,沿途連接了24個原鄉部落及高樹等4個客家鄉,全長68.885公里,雖然不是繁華都市的8條通,但包括魯凱族、排灣族、馬卡道族及客家、閩南等族群都在此地流動穿走,於是串成一條大山腳下的美麗路線。

Let’s pick one nice day to visit Taiwan county highway 185! Along green views toward south, there are good stuffs and good people. As the people who love this land said: we are on the “good mood highway”. The road is from Kaoshu to Fangliao. Total length is 68.885km. This is a road connect mountain to sea and link 24 aboriginal tribes and 4 Hakka villages in Pingtung. Although it’s not like the main road in big city, many people including Drekay, Paiwan, Makatao, Hakka and Taiwanese are shuttling through everyday. It makes a beautiful route under the big mountain.

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