本輯以鄭清文的小說與兒童文學為主題,承鄭清文女兒谷苑的協助,推薦具有代表性的小說暨兒童文學作品多篇,並請她寫一篇關於父親作品的文章〈A Storyteller—In Memory of Tzeng Ching-wen〉。散文方面,Taipei, City of Displacements(《錯置,臺北城》)的作者周文龍教授(Joseph R. Allen),對臺北的地理變遷和文化空間的歷史演變具有深入的研究,特地請他幫忙翻譯〈大水河畔的童年〉,相得益彰。其餘幾篇鄭清文之原著則分別由由長期耕耘台灣文學英譯的黃瑛姿、葛浩文(Howard Goldblatt)、林麗君、陶忘機(John Balcom)與羅德仁(Terence Russell)擔綱譯出。
The latest special issue of Taiwan Literature: English Translation Series focuses on the fictions and children's stories written by Tzeng Ching-wen. For this special issue, we are thankful to Angela Ku-yuan Tzeng for her assistance in recommending representative stories for translation and for her essay, “A Storyteller—In Memory of Tzeng Ching-wen,” in memory of her father. For the essay, “Boyhood on the Banks of the Grand River,” we appreciate expert assistance from Joseph R. Allen, the author of Taipei: City of Displacements, a comprehensive study of Taipei with regard to its geographical changes and historical development in terms of cultural space.