1.簡易獨特的設計,得快速穿戴於狗狗臀部承接排泄物。(當便便夠重時,便袋會自行掉落喲!實現真正的「隨手清狗便; 拾袋輕鬆便」~ 2.採用可回收的環保材質製作而成,柔軟、耐用又安全。 3.適用犬隻體型:45公斤以上/ 肛徑3公分以下/ 排便量特多。 4.柔軟材質,讓狗狗可以自由的活動,跑、跳、坐、躺皆可。 5.一種款式,多種顏色供主人挑選,方便搭配狗狗的毛髮與裝扮! 6.搭配使用專用的環保便袋,超薄設計,不傷狗狗屁屁; 鮮豔的橘色,讓我們輕易發現它; 環保便袋,可光分解,減少對環境的負擔! Poo-Lock poolock Product Details ❖ The simple design promises rapid fastening onto your furkid.(Poo-Lock bag falls by itself when it is heavy enough. Then, the last step to do is just bending and picking it up!) ❖ Poo-Lock is fully made by safe, recyclable and durable materials. Furkids are free to enjoy their favorite dashing, jumping and all sorts of sports! ❖ Poo-Lock has all the sizes for furkids more than 45 kg, and with anal diameter less than 3cm. ❖ The exclusive multiple colors are there for owners to match with unique styles! ❖ The unique and sunlight degradable Poo-Lock bags were made to be super thin, soft and harmless to the anus. Plus, the bright orange makes it easy to be spotted. #dog #poo #噗樂 #狗馬桶 #狗狗行動馬桶 #行動馬桶 #PooLock #輕鬆 #不沾手 #乾淨 #不買會後悔 #快速裝卸 #狗 #寵物外出 #便便 #有趣 #可愛 #狗便