百變指印畫 動物篇 沒有畫筆,但只要手指配印泥,4個步驟,加上簡單線條,就能瞬間完成一隻動物,超有成就感的喔!舉凡森林小刺蝟、無尾熊、母雞、雞寶寶、停留在雕像上的鴿子、彩色蛇、仙人掌、屋頂上的貓咪、樹上的松鼠、垃圾桶附近的老鼠、食蟻獸附近的螞蟻、球型魚缸裡的小金魚﹙太可愛了!﹚,想得到的,都能用指印呈現軀幹的外形。另外指印也表現在外觀特徵,如花豹、乳牛斑點,孔雀羽毛眼…等。書附七色印泥。 This book, with its own brightly coloured inkpad of seven colours, is bursting with ideas for fingerprinting animals from hedgehogs to crocodiles and koalas. Each page has step by step instructions, pictures to complete and lots of space for fingerprinting. With a spiral binding so the book lies flat to make it easy for children to create delightful pictures. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681953801005 ISBN13/9781474914338 ISBN10/1474914330 EAN/9781474914338 尺寸/22X25.8X1.5CM 材質/紙/ 印泥 級別/無 語言/英文 頁數/64 裝訂/精裝