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Jeremy Worried about the Wind/Pamela Butchart eslite誠品 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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Jeremy Worried about the Wind/Pamela Butchart eslite誠品 描述

擔心狂Jeremy遇到了什麼都不怕的勇敢女孩Maggie,會有什麼火花呢? Jeremy是一個容易擔心很多事情的男孩,他擔心的事情有好多好多,比如說,沒有成對的襪子該怎麼辦?如果外套的拉鍊卡住了,像上次一樣,那Jeremy要怎麼脫外套呢?Jeremy還擔心,如果自己吃了有斑點的香蕉,會發生什麼恐怖的事?所以,就算Jeremy很愛吃香蕉,他為了不要有任何吃到斑點香蕉的風險,選擇不再吃香蕉! 不過,Jeremy認識了新朋友Maggie,Maggie和Jeremy完全相反,Maggie天不怕,地不怕,還常常反問Jeremy:「事情有這麼嚴重嗎?」 不過,這些生活中大大小小的事情不是Jeremy最擔心的事情,Jeremy最擔心的其實是:風! 有天Maggie執意要在外面刮風的日子出去外面玩,Jeremy為了要保護Maggie,他跑了出去,卻被大風吹走了,這下,會發生什麼事情呢? 英國Nosy Crow出版社出版的平裝圖畫書,都會有免費的故事語音檔可聆聽,只要掃描書內的QR Code,就能享受聆聽故事的最佳體驗喔! A quirky, touching fully illustrated picture book that will open up important conversations about worries and anxiety from Blue Peter prize winning author, Pamela Butchart. Jeremy is a worrier. He worries about odd socks, spotty bananas, evil squirrels, burnt toast, dinosaurs and, most of all . . . the wind! His friend Maggie isn't worried about anything – after all, what's the worst that could happen? But when Maggie decides to go outside and play in the wind, Jeremy must act fast to keep her out of danger, and he is soon to discover that a bit of courage leads to the most exciting adventures. A funny and reassuring story from the bestselling author of Wigglesbottom Primary, and with charming and humorous artwork by Kate Hindley, illustrator of best-selling 'The Same But Different Too' and 'You Must Bring a Hat'. Every Nosy Crow paperback picture book comes with a free “Stories Aloud” audio recording. Just scan the QR code and listen along! 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681932587005 ISBN13/9781788007757 ISBN10/1788007751 EAN/9781788007757 尺寸/27.2X27.2X0.5CM 級別/無 語言/英文 裝訂/平裝 頁數/32 Pamela Butchart As a child, Pamela was lucky enough to grow up in a house full of pets and go to a primary school where lots of spooky and weird things happened (well, in her imagination at least). As a student, Pamela's student jobs included: fishwife, teaching basketball in America, phlebotomist and Artist Liaison for a (really bad) Abba tribute band. Her top selling stories include The Spy Who Loved School Dinners which won the Blue Peter Best Story Award and My Head Teacher is a Vampire Rat which won The Children's Book Award. Two of her books, Petunia Perry and the Curse of the Ugly Pigeon and There's a Werewolf in My Tent, were shortlisted for the Lollies – the Laugh Out Loud Awards. Pamela lives in Dundee with her baby boy and their two awesome cats, Bear & Carlos. If she wasn't working as a writer and a teacher she'd like to open a luxury hotel for stray cats. Kate Hindley Kate is a children's book illustrator living and working in Bristol, UK. She worked as a Print Designer at a Northamptonshire-based design company before she got her first book deal with Simon and Schuster back in 2011, illustrating Claire Freedman's The Great Snortle Run, which was nominated for the Kate Greenaway award. Since then, Kate has illustrated a number of bestselling picture books, including The Naughtiest Girl, The Wishing Chair and You Must Bring a Hat.

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