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Snackasaurus!/Georgie Taylor eslite誠品 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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Snackasaurus!/Georgie Taylor eslite誠品 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

Snackasaurus!/Georgie Taylor eslite誠品 描述

愛吃點心的恐龍 拉鍊遊戲書 恐龍好朋友們,相約喝下午茶吃點心,從肉丸子、鬆餅、甜甜圈、披薩、香脆玉米片,一口接一口,太好吃了,欲罷不能!嘴巴嚼啊嚼、咬啊咬、卡滋卡滋的,嘴巴停不了! 本書為拉鍊操作書,吃東西的大嘴隨著拉鍊開合,彷彿就在品嘗美食。活動式眼睛,咕嚕咕嚕轉啊轉,一邊吃東西,一邊玩表情,好玩好吃,真滿足。 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681932476002 ISBN13/9781789581836 ISBN10/1789581834 EAN/9781789581836 尺寸/17.8X17.8X1.6CM 材質/紙/ 拉鍊 裝訂/兒童厚紙版書 頁數/10 語言/英文 級別/無 Georgie Taylor Georgie Taylor has loved reading and writing since she was a child, and now spends her time thinking up and writing stories for lots of children to read. After working in children's publishing for over 15 years, Georgie likes writing stories that encourage children to discover, learn and use their imagination. Carrie Hennon Since graduating from art school, Carrie has worked as a graphic designer, illustrator and art editor for the past 18 years. Carrie is passionate about children's book illustration and is continually inspired by her daily contact with the artists whom she commissions. She has also written her own books for the very young.

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