La La Llamas!/Georgie Taylor eslite誠品 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
羊駝好聲音 拉鍊遊戲書 羊駝超愛唱歌的,洗澡時忘情地練習約德爾唱法,坐車時把車子當卡拉OK包廂,晚上大家都睡了,牠還在唱,把大家都吵醒才罷休。牠們想當搖滾歌手,把握機會練習,走音也不在意,唱不停。本書為拉鍊操作書,拉鍊開開關關,就像張嘴唱歌,活動式眼睛,眼珠可以咕嚕咕嚕轉,搭配嘴巴,特別逗趣。 Llamas love to sing all day, they sing any tune, and yodel in the shower...yo-del-ay-ee-HOO! Llamas love to sing all the time-they just can't stop! Shake the wobbly eyes and open and close the zipper mouth as the musical llamas sing their way through this rhyming story book! Die-cuts on each page reveal the wobbly eyes and zipper mouths, and the fun story with colourful text features lots of noisy words for readers to shout out on each page. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681932477009 ISBN13/9781789581843 ISBN10/1789581842 EAN/9781789581843 尺寸/17.7X17.7X1.9CM 材質/紙/ 拉鍊 裝訂/兒童厚紙版書 頁數/10 語言/英文 級別/無