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You're Dad: A Little Book for Fathers/Liz Climo eslite誠品 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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You're Dad: A Little Book for Fathers/Liz Climo eslite誠品 描述

《麗池的異想世界》作者 麗池‧克萊姆最新暖心繪本 獻給我們心愛的把鼻! 插畫家麗池‧克萊姆過去從藝術學校畢業後,幸運成為全球經典卡通《辛普森家庭》動畫設計師。 當時的麗池總是擔心自己的繪圖風格太過可愛。不過在她的頭號粉絲--自家老公鼓勵下,麗池開始上傳自己的插圖到社群、直接面對喜愛插畫的讀者們,聽聽大家的想法。 麗池筆下無數的可愛小動物們,彼此之間幽默呆萌的對話,馬上吸引大批粉絲追蹤、大受歡迎。之後更將插圖集結成冊,推出《The Little World of Liz Climo》(麗池的異想世界),並翻譯成多國語言,成為全球最暢銷插畫繪本之一! 之後,麗池陸續推出經典之作:《Lobster Is the Best Medicine》(龍蝦治百瞎)、《Best Bear Ever!》。此外,去年推出《You're Mom》(你是媽媽),插畫中各種動物媽媽和小孩間的可愛對話,總讓大家會心一笑,想起自己的媽媽、或自己的孩子。 今年,麗池再加碼推出《You're Dad》。繪本中出現的動物爸爸,各有各的煩惱、和感動的時刻。百張插圖畫盡老爸們的各種樣貌! The hilarious and heartwarming companion to international bestselling author Liz Climo’s You’re Mom From new dads to those who’ve been around the block, dads who go to work to those who work at home, and all the dads in between,You're Dad is a touching tribute to fathers everywhere. With humor, heart, and adorable drawings, Liz Climo celebrates fatherhood in all its shapes and sizes (and species). Featuring different types of dads and the paths they can travel, Climo’s whimsical animal illustrations take us through the adventures of fatherhood, commemorating the laughter and the tears as well as the stumbles and the triumphs. Perfect for dads, the dad-like, any and all parents, and the people who love them, this sweet collection of fatherly love will move and delight. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681961392007 ISBN13/9781250228130 ISBN10/1250228131 EAN/9781250228130 語言/英文 尺寸/19X12.9X3CM 級別/無 頁數/128 裝訂/精裝 Liz Climo Liz Climo is a cartoonist, children's book author, illustrator, and animator. She grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and moved to Los Angeles after college to work as a character artist on The Simpsons. She is the author of the Rory the Dinosaur series, The Little World of Liz Climo, Lobster Is the Best Medicine, and Best Bear Ever!. Her books have been translated into ten languages and have sold more than 2.25 million copies worldwide. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and daughter.

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