Big Steps: Can You Say Please? Learning/Marion eslite誠品 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
記得說請喔 翻拉硬頁遊戲書 「請」是一個魔法字,小小的一個字,卻是良好互動的一大步,讓孩子透過翻翻拉拉的互動設計,跟著書中不同的情境模擬,練習說請。 Ellie正在一邊玩玩具,一邊等朋友Ned來。終於到了,嗨!Ned歡迎你來玩啊!爸爸媽媽教過Ned,要記得禮貌,要求朋友分享玩具,記得說「請」喔!「請給我老虎娃娃」、「請給我積木」,很棒! The Big Steps series is designed to help young children deal with new experiences in their lives. In Can You Say Please?, Tom and Nancy share their toys and practise their good manners. This novelty book with a sweet story has fun flaps to lift and mechanisms to move as well as practical tips for parents and carers on each page, endorsed by leading Early Years Consultant, Dr Amanda Gummer. With delightful illustrations from Marion Cocklico, Can You Say Please? is the perfect book for sharing with your toddler and talking about how to behave kindly and considerately towards other people. For more toddler tips, read We're Having a Baby, I'm Not Sleepy, No More Nappies, I'm Starting Nursery and We're Going to the Doctor. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681658087001 ISBN13/9781529004045 ISBN10/1529004047 EAN/9781529004045 尺寸/19X19CM 級別/無 材質/紙 語言/英文 頁數/10 裝訂/兒童厚紙版書