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The Next Person You Meet in Heaven /Mitch eslite誠品 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

The Next Person You Meet in Heaven /Mitch eslite誠品 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


The Next Person You Meet in Heaven: The Sequel to the Five People You Meet in Heaven 上一個故事沒寫的是-- 與死亡擦身而過的女孩,是如何度過此生? 當她踏上自己的天堂旅程,才明白每個錯誤背後都有著更大的目的。 《最後14堂星期二的課》作者暖心力作 ◎故事要從《在天堂遇見的五個人》說起──生命與生命之間不但彼此相連,每一次結束也是另一個開始。 ◎創作告白:生命的重逢與循環-- 「寫作這麼多年來,《在天堂遇見的五個人》這部作品有最多的讀者問我,書中人物(艾迪跟安妮)後來怎麼了。我從未寫過續作,但我認為艾迪既然在天堂遇到了五個人,那麼讓他成為另外一個人在天堂遇到的五個人之一,似乎是理所當然的發展。況且探討一個女孩與死亡擦身而過、重拾生命後是如何度過人生,對我是非常有吸引力的題材。於是,我決定把故事寫下去,但最後有這樣的轉折,全然出乎我的意料。」 --米奇‧艾爾邦 本書的故事發展自《在天堂遇見的五個人》。在這本神奇而迷人的續集裡,艾迪在天堂見到他當年拯救的小女孩安妮。他們重逢的故事將讓你深深記住,生命與得失是如何互相交錯。 十五年前,《在天堂遇見的五個人》風靡全球,書中主角艾迪是年邁的越戰老兵,在主題樂園裡當維修技工,為了拯救小女孩安妮而犧牲了自己。他死後的天堂之旅,讓他明白原來每一條生命都有其必要性。十五年後,米奇•艾爾邦在續集《在天堂遇見的下一個人》揭露了安妮的身世。 意外事故帶走了艾迪,也在安妮身上留下難以磨滅的疤痕--她的左手斷掉,經過手術重新接回。她帶著手術後的傷疤,想不起事發經過,人生從此變色。她母親過度自責,甚至將安妮帶離她熟悉的環境。安妮被同儕霸凌,被遺忘的回憶糾纏,在成長過程中難以接受自己的處境。直到成年後與青梅竹馬保羅重逢,她才相信自己終於找到了幸福。 故事一開始,安妮與保羅才剛結婚,新婚夜卻以驚魂意外收場。安妮踏上屬於自己的天堂旅程,旅途中自然也會見到艾迪--他和另外四個人會讓安妮瞭解,她的人生以她意想不到的方式發揮了影響力。 《在天堂遇見的下一個人》是一則觸動人心的美麗故事,情節曲折起伏。闔上書之後,你會發現原來生命不但相連,而且每一次結束也是另一個開始,只需要睜開心靈的雙眼,就能瞥見不一樣的風景。 本書介出自大塊出版《在天堂遇見的下一個人 》 In this enchanting sequel to the number one bestseller The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Mitch Albom tells the story of Eddie’s heavenly reunion with Annie—the little girl he saved on earth—in an unforgettable novel of how our lives and losses intersect. Fifteen years ago, in Mitch Albom’s beloved novel, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, the world fell in love with Eddie, a grizzled war veteran- turned-amusement park mechanic who died saving the life of a young girl named Annie. Eddie’s journey to heaven taught him that every life matters. Now, in this magical sequel, Mitch Albom reveals Annie’s story. The accident that killed Eddie left an indelible mark on Annie. It took her left hand, which needed to be surgically reattached. Injured, scarred, and unable to remember why, Annie’s life is forever changed by a guilt-ravaged mother who whisks her away from the world she knew. Bullied by her peers and haunted by something she cannot recall, Annie struggles to find acceptance as she grows. When, as a young woman, she reconnects with Paulo, her childhood love, she believes she has finally found happiness. As the novel opens, Annie is marrying Paulo. But when her wedding night day ends in an unimaginable accident, Annie finds herself on her own heavenly journey—and an inevitable reunion with Eddie, one of the five people who will show her how her life mattered in ways she could not have fathomed. Poignant and beautiful, filled with unexpected twists, The Next Person You Meet in Heaven reminds us that not only does every life matter, but that every ending is also a beginning—we only need to open our eyes to see it. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681775930006 ISBN13/9780062948137 ISBN10/006294813X EAN/9780062948137 頁數/224 尺寸/16.8X10.6X1.4CM 級別/無 裝訂/口袋裝 語言/英文








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