Search and Find: A Number of Numbers/AJ Wood eslite誠品 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Search and Find: A Number of Numbers/AJ Wood eslite誠品 描述
透過26個跨頁小遊戲,換個方式認識數字 結合遊戲與故事元素,讓孩子不只認識數字,更能輕鬆理解數量的概念 透過26個大跨頁,一起展開一場認識數字的旅程!每一頁跨頁都跟一個數字有關係,除了需要找一找和這個數字有關係的圖素外,有的時候還需要冒點險,鼓起勇氣探訪不同的地點,找出指定的物品,並同步理解數量的概念。 一本多功能的數字學習遊戲書,除了認識數字學習數量概念外,也可以同步認識各種物品的英文單字,讓學習多元有趣且不著痕跡。 Take a ride through 26 fully illustrated search and find spreads, each one themed on a number. Count the animals going into Noah’s Ark two-by-two, spot 13 scary skeletons at the haunted house on Halloween and visit Farm Fifteen where everything from one scarecrow through to 15 apples need to be found. Allan Sanders’ weird and wonderful drawings are packed full of funny things to spot and plenty of Where’s Waldo style humour, making this the best way to learn your 1, 2, 3s… Great for parents and guardians to use with kids, or for young readers to enjoy independently, the 26 fun puzzles will keep readers entertained for hours. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681870811002 ISBN13/9781786035363 ISBN10/1786035367 EAN/9781786035363 頁數/48 尺寸/31.7X26.3X1.5CM 級別/無 裝訂/精裝 語言/英文 用電/N
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