尋寶遊戲無極限的《威利在哪裡》,邀請你來博物館大顯身手! 你自認什麼大小事都逃不過你的銳利雙眼嗎?你有自信能找出畫面中細微的差異嗎? 尋找威利遊戲再進階,這次難度大躍進,除了找威利外,還必須找到左右兩圖的不同之處,隨著你進入到博物館的不同位置,揪出兩個畫面的差異挑戰還真是越來越難纏,超過500個不同之處,等著你的銳利雙眼來找碴! The ultimate search-and-find book with a twist! Join Wally for a fun day at the museum. Search for Wally and his friends amongst the amazing artefacts and exciting exhibitions. And that's not all: this book contains over 500 challenging differences to spot! A totally essential test for eagle-eyed Wally-Watchers!