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Touch and Explore: Vehicles/Stéphanie Babin eslite誠品 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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Touch and Explore: Vehicles/Stéphanie Babin eslite誠品 描述

觸摸書大進化!觸摸書再也不是小小孩的專利,結合最受歡迎的交通工具大集錦,閱讀樂趣多更多! 以不同的主題場景做相關的交通工具介紹,在路上,常看到的汽車、機車和腳踏車,都有一一做詳解,並標示出各個部件名稱,摸摸看,摩托車坐墊是什麼觸感?還不會騎腳踏車嗎?你可以和小女孩一樣,先用有輔助輪的腳踏車做練習,練習一陣子後,翻開小翻頁,你也可以和小女孩一樣拿掉輔助輪自在的騎單車。 陸、海、空的交通工具介紹完,書的最後面還有一個賽車場,賽車道上有絨毛設計,伸出你的手指,循著軌道看看每輛賽車的比賽狀況吧! The shiny wings of an airplane, the rough basket of a hot-air balloon, and the puffy sails of a sailboat - there's so much to discover in this Touch and Explore™ book about all things that go! Touch and Explore™ is a multisensory series created to encourage hands-on play and learning. Children will enjoy vehicle fun and facts at the tip of their fingers! 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681542032001 ISBN13/9782745995490 ISBN10/2745995499 EAN/9782745995490 頁數/16 尺寸/21X24.1CM 材質/紙/ 聚酯纖維/ 塑膠 級別/無 裝訂/精裝 語言/英文 成份/紙/ 聚酯纖維/ 塑膠 About the Author Stephanie Babin is an author of books for young children, particularly nonfiction and interactive titles. She lives in Paris, France. Sylvie Bessard was born in Nancy, France. She studied at the École Nationale Supérieure of Art and Design and has illustrated several titles for Éditions Milan, including Paris, voyage animé au coeur de la Ville Lumière (Paris - A Pop-Up Stroll Through the City of Light, also published in English by Milan), Les Trois Petits Cochons ("The Three Little Pigs"), and several concept books in the "Mes années pourquoi" ("My Why Years") collection.

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